Chapter 23: You're better off without him

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(Katy's POV)
A few doctors start walking into the room wheeling in a bed. Holly starts clinging onto me as I stroke her forehead trying to soothe her.

"Miss perry would you please get off the bed and hold Holly's hand while we move her onto this bed for operating," One of the doctors says pointing to the bed on wheels beside the bed that Holly is laying on.

I get off the bed and Holly squeeze hand.

"Holly you need to to be brave," I say to Holly as tears start streaming down her pale cheeks.

"No, I don't want to go!" Holly yells.

"Holly you won't feel a thing, we promise," A female doctor says trying to ease Holly's nerves.

Holly just covers her face and starts crying. I lean over the bed and wrap my arms around her fragile body. Her cries become louder as the doctors surround Holly's bed getting ready to move her onto the other bed.

I coo, "Holly it's going to be all right, I won't leave you,"

I unwrap my arms around Holly but still have her hand in mine.

"Okay Holly you need to stay very still, and when it starts to hurt squeeze Katy's hand, okay?" One of the doctors say as Holly squeezes my hand.

"Okay 1, 2, 3," The doctors say and on 3 they lift Holly onto the other bed as her squeezes my hand so tight that I think it stops my blood circulation.

One of the doctors opens the door as the others push the bed on wheels with Holly laying on there wheeling. I let go of her hand for a second since the bed only just fits through the door.

"Katy!" I hear Holly cry as I run and grab Holly's hand.

They then open 2 doors and above them is a sign which reads "operating theatre". I still grip Holly's hand as they wheel the bed in.

"Okay Holly would you rather have a needle of a mask to put you to sleep?" A female doctors asks.

"I don't want any!" Holly screams.

"Shhh Holly," I say trying to stop her from screaming.

The doctors look at me and whisper hold her down. They then put a gas mask over her mouth as Holly starts trying to get of the bed. I try and hold her down but more tears are streaming down her face.

I then start crying just looking at Holly. She looks terrified, her eyes age bags underneath them, she looks like she has seen a ghost or worse.

About 20 minutes later Holly finally is asleep and I let go of her hand and wipe the tears off my face. Just seeing Holly in that pain broke me. I let go of her hand and put it besides her, I then get a few strands from the doctors as I kiss her temple.

"I love you," I whisper into Holly's hear knowing that she won't hear it though.

I start to walk out of the operating theatre but stop. I then turn about. "Please take care of her,"

"She's in the best hands Katy." A female doctor say smiling.

"The surgery will go for a few hours, and we let you know when she is in recovery," Another doctor says.

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