Chapter 50: Santa Barbara

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"Hey mum!" I say before embracing my mother in a hug then I greet my father and do the same.

I spin on my heel and see Holly say hello to my parents then my attention directs to Angela, David and Svend who I immediately run over to and hug.

"Hey how are you all?" I say.

"Good, good," they reply in sync.

"Holly!" Angela sequels before running over to Holly who looks a bit flustered by the situation.

Soon enough everyone has done there greetings and then I notice someone is missing.

"Hey Ange where is Stella?"

"She's playing in the lounge room."

I get up off the lounge and signal Holly who is sat across the room to come follow me. She's gets the message and runs over.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing, your just going to meet someone."

We walk past the clean kitchen and into the lounge where the blonde headed three year old sat in between a whole bunch of toys, the second our feet touch the carpet her head snaps and a huge grin appears on her baby face.

"Aunt Katy!" She squeals as I bend down on one knee and watch the gurgling toddler run into my arms.

"I'm missed you so much," I state as I peel her out of my arms and look over to Holly.

"So Stella this is Holly, she has been staying with me for a while and she's here to meet you," I smile as Holly bends down with a cheesy smile on her face.

"Is she a visitor?" Stella asks in a hush voice.

"No, no. She's not a visitor she is staying."

Stella interrupts me. "Like forever?"

"Yeah, well Holly is my daughter, and she is your cousin." Stella gives me a weird facial expression obviously having no idea what I'm saying to her but to a surprise she walks over to Holly and puts her tiny hand on Holly's which is rested on her thigh.

"Hey Stella," Holly says in one of her nervous voices.


"Yeah, I'm Holly." Stella then basically throws herself on Holly and wraps her arms around Holly's neck. Holly looks over at me and smiles embracing the tiny tot in a hug.

"Stella do you want to play in here with Holly for a while?" I ask still sat on one of my knees.

"Yeah!" She chants.

"Okay, and Hol we'll be in the living room if you need anything," I say as I kiss the top of Holly's head and walk away.


"How was Stella?" Angela asks as I take a seat on the large lounge beside her.

"Well she gave Holly a hug so that's a good sign," I say.

"She likes new people," Angela adds. "And how's Holly?"

The room falls silent, the conversation about football between my father and David stood and mums and Svends conversation does too.

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