Chapter 51: Telling the world

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"Hey Bradford do you know where the tripod is?" I say while I dig through boxes in a room at Capitol records.

"Isn't it just on the table in the studio?" My manager states as I suddenly remember him clearly saying this morning.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

I run a run back into the room holding the tripod and place the camera on the stand in front of a lounge. Bradford helps set up the camera as I'm pretty un useful at doing those sort of things, meanwhile Holly is sat on a one seater chair her head buried in her phone even though she looks like she is about to fall asleep at any moment.

"Earth to Holly!" I yell as she tilts her head slightly.

"Yeah," she replies yawning.

"Can we take the photo now?" I suggest.

"Mum can we just use one of the photos that we have taken together. It's so much easier and that means that we can go home," Holly says turning her phone off.

"Hmm... Bradford should we just use a random photo?"

"Yeah it would be much easier and look at her she looks like she going to fall asleep any second. Plus it's neatly 11pm and I think that we all need rest," he suggests.

"Okay I'll just find one on my phone and can we meet tomorrow and I'll show you what I have done so far?"

"Yep that sounds fine, I'll text everyone to be here at like 3 or something," he says while scratching his head.

"Thanks Bradford, I really appreciate it," I reply while I rest my hand on his shoulder.


"Miss Holly lets go!" I say as Holly slowly gets off the chair and walks over to Bradford and I looking like a zombie.

"Finally," she mumbles under her breathe.

"We weren't even here that long," I state as Holly rolls her eyes.

"We've been here for hours," Holly states.

"Well we are coming back tomorrow so you need to get use to it fast."

"Sometimes you being famous is annoying," Holly says.

"I know," I agree.

(Holly's POV)
My jeans cling to my skin tightly, forming a layer of warmth between the bitterly wind. I race into the car my teeth chattering and my hands firmly placed into my pockets, scrunching bits of the fabric with my fingers trying to grab onto any warmth. Mum immediately starts the car making the heater blow steaming air in my face, heating my whole body instantly. I feel my body calling out for sleep since I did get much. Mum was trying to figure out what to write, what I mean is that she was trying to explain to the world who I was. It seems pretty easy but explaining to the press that you put your child up for adoption is hard and even harder is explaining that you never wanted to do so but your Christian parents pushed for it. Of course mum is not going to mention her parents, they don't need to be involved. She just has to explain how we got together without giving away to much. I have no clue how she did it even though the whole time she was saying, 'is this okay' and 'are you sure that you don't mind if I say this?' Of course the whole time I thought that everything she said was perfect. She just knows how to explain something without giving away everything. Her songs are evidence of that.

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