Chapter 8: Because a double rainbow is hard to find

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(Katy's POV)
Those words escaped Audrey's lips like a bomb has just hit, breaking my soul.

"I'm so sorry Katy but we have no choice" Audrey says with a comforting look

"You do have a choice, you can leave the ventilator on until she wakes up, you can let Holly die, you can't please" I say fiercely whilst sobbing

"We have no choice Katy, its for the best Holly is suffering she's experiencing traumatic pain, Katy we can't let her lay in a coma for the rest of her life. We are doing the best that we can but nothing's working. I'm so sorry Katy" Audrey says, those words are like poison I can't insert these words into my brain they just fly out.

"No, this can't be happening" I say quietly

"It's okay Kate" Shannon says as I rest my head in the crook of her and just cry, my baby is dieing and there's nothing that I can do to save her, I feel so helpless.

I just rest my head on Shannon neck and just cry. I still can't believe that she going to die, I won't even get a chance to meet her. She doesn't even know that I'm her mum.

I won't be able to tell her how much I love her, I won't be able to tell her how much she means to me. That's she's the key to my heart, that she's the one that gets me out of bed each and every morning.

When I was 27 and surviving my return of depression I was really struggling in life. I couldn't see the sun shining on the other side of the road all I could see is darkness.

I wasn't living life as I should be, I was staying at home a lot often, I would never go out for dinner or hang out with friends.

Instead I would be laying on the couch crying my eyes out. I would be thinking about him 24/7 he never left my mind. But he broke my heart, he sent me a text saying that we are over.

Who would text there girlfriend saying that we are over. I don't anybody that would do that only the people who don't have a heart.

To be honest I still miss him, I can't just get over him, I still miss him being around, I miss him always supporting me. I loved how whenever I told him something that he would understand.

Russell wouldn't start yelling at me or just walk away from the situation. He would sit and listen to me and then he would discuss with what happened.

He didn't get angry at me that often only when the problem was bad, but that never really happened. Russell and I had a very strong connection, we were hooked to each other. We fell in love so deeply and he was the love of my life, he was my life partner.

We were building a life together, until it all crumbled down. Like a castle being bombed and the Kingdom never being able to repair it.

That's how our relationship was, I wish that he never broke up me. But that situation made me stronger, without that I wouldn't be the woman that I am today.

That divorce helped me write lots of songs someone of the more fun and loud songs like roar. And some of the slow sad songs like by the grace of God, ghost and many more.

In that time I was depressed and during that time I wrote by the grace of God, that was the first song I wrote off my prism album and I decided to to end my prism album with by the grace of God.

I wrote by the grace of god when I was going through really tough times. When i depressed and all I wanted was for Russell and I to get back together. But I knew that it would never happen. So I had to move on, I put one foot in front of the other and decided to stay, wasn't going to let a love take me out that way.

Those lyrics helped me, it made me want to live life and enjoy it. Instead of being depressed and living life on the dark side of the world.

There was one person who helped me get up and helped me stay. She wasn't ever there with me, but spiritually she was, she didn't even though who I was.

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