Chapter 43: Home

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(Holly's POV)
The flight has been going so slow even though I've had a lot of things distracting me. Michelle started yelling at me the second she got on the flight and many people stared of course. But slowly the yelling died down and Katy hasn't been in our conversation ever since. Michelle's been chatting to me about the house that we are staying, apparently it's a whole lot bigger than our one in Santa Barbara so that's exciting. But then that conversation fades away as soon as Michelle starts going on her phone. She bought us wifi for the plane ride but honestly I don't feel like going on social media and I'm sure that Michelle will use it all since she hasn't taken her eyes off it for two hours.

"Holly why don't you read a magazine or something?" Michelle says as she points to the small basket on the back of someone's seat.

So I pick up one of those teenage girl magazine and get bored with it half way through. Then I find a newspaper from today, once I fold it out and read the front cover and all I feel is guilt.

My throat tightens up and my heart starts beating faster and harder so that all I can hear is it beating. I continue to read the front cover which has 'scandal' wrote in big bold black letters which over laps the article which Katy and I had a huge fight about. Then I turn the page and start scanning through until I stop by a paragraph that catches my attention.

'I'm sorry to all of our readers but the recent article we posted about Katy Perry is false. The roar singer does in fact have a relationship with this girl as they are cousins. The girl is not going to ruin Perry's career and the iPhone that was recently bought was not used to promote Apple. This previous information was got of unknown sources which have lead us to posting this fake information so we apologise for any confusion.'

My whole body becomes numb and my head starts to spin. I feel myself starting to choke on the tears which slowly drizzle down my pale cheeks. Some of them end up soaking the newspaper which I thought was full of lies but it's now turned into the truth. Why was I such an idiot? Why did I believe a newspaper which could basically lie about anything and anyone. But overall why didn't I believe Katy? Was I scared of the truth and then realising that I made the wrong decision to go to Africa. Or did I want just an easy way out?

I don't understand why I was so stubborn and why would I make Katy cry? That's not me. I'm not someone who goes around and makes people cry. But how could I leave Katy in that airport after I've been so rude and I didn't even say a proper goodbye. That hug meant nothing because the only reason I did it was so that I could get as far away from Katy as possible. I never wanted to leave Katy, I just couldn't admit to myself since that would mean that I would be wrong.

All of these actions have caused such a big wall between Katy and I. That wall was caused by me and now I've got to be the one who breaks it. Then I realise something.

I want Katy. I want to be able to wake up and see Katy's face every morning. I want to be able to cuddle her at night and inhale her Chanel perfume. I want to be with her. I threw that opportunity away and I don't know if I'll ever get her back. I've torn her heart and smashed it into pieces, so I wouldn't be surprised if she wants nothing to do with me. Besides I don't deserve her. She's been nothing be good and I've been horrible. I said that I hated her which is such a strong word. It's powerful and it's not like you can slide the word back into your tongue and forget like you didn't say that. So I've got a lot of things to apologise for.

I just feel so overwhelmed. The tears still continue to fall out of my eyes and I wish that Katy was here so that she would hold me in her arms and never let me go.

"Holly what's wrong?" Michelle says.

"I'm such an idiot!" I sob as I throw her the newspaper.

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