Chapter 3: This can't be happening

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After a while of staring through the windows and seeing doctors exit and enters Holly's room I lean my head back on the chair and take a deep breathe before inhaling the air surrounding me. I pray that she will get better and that she will be healed. But here's the thing, there are millions of children around the world who are suffering daily, and are clinging onto life. So the chances are slim.

Shannon moves closer to me and she puts her arm around my neck and I rest my head on it. We don't speak as we are both unsure of what to say to one another in this moment. There seems to be silence lingering around the hospital, not a awkward silence but a peaceful one. It does not stay around for very long as I hear murmurs coming from Holly's room. At first I just ignore them but they become louder and my temptation takes over.

I stand up and see more doctors flood into the room surrounding Holly's bed. I can hear loud beeping and people start yelling

"We need to perform CPR!"

"She's going into cardiac arrest!"

I feel my body become weak and sluggish and my knees start heading for the floor. Arms wrap around me and I turn around and I'm met with the concerned look of Shannon. She doesn't say a word but just pulls my body closer to hers and holds me. I don't let go scared to death that I'll fall onto the floor and loose it, that I'll close my eyes and be unsure if I'll ever be able to open them again. Shannon's lasting ingrain perfume fills my nose as I rest my head on her shoulder and feel her softly rubbing my back.

My heart aches and I cannot put into words the pain that I'am receiving. I, myself cannot even comprehend what is going on behind the closed doors. My mind is trying to swallow the information without going completely insane.

Large sobs escape my mouth as Shannon holds me tighter and doesn't dare to let me go. I struggle to inhale the air due to my mourning and I try to take long deep breaths. Shannon walks me over to the lounge and carefully helps me sit down. She doesn't remove her arms from around my waist and she looks clueless. It can be sometimes really hard to comfort someone who is crying, its hard to know what to do or what to say. Shannon is feeling that and I know she is because Shannon usually has plenty of things to say and is never lost for words, but today it is different.

She herself is trying to comprehend the information and try and put herself in my shoes. But even though she isn't speaking she just makes me feel protected and without her right next to me I'd probably on the floor pondering on whether I should get up or just curl up in a bawl. Her company is all I need right now as I wait for any news and find out if Holly is okay.

My head sharply turns to a doctor who bolts into Holly's room and slams the door behind him making me jump. I try to stand up but my knees feel weak and will collapse on me if I try and move. But I take risk not caring if I fall onto the floor, I just need to see her because I'm loosing my patience. I take a deep breathe before quickly getting off the couch and take a few steps closer towards Holly's door. The metal handle comes into contact with my palm as I slowly turn it clockwise.

"Katy, no," Shannon whimpers as she runs over but the door opens and I run into Holly's room but after I take a step doctors grab my wrists and pull me out of the room and forcefully slam the door behind them.

"Please, please let me see her," I beg as tears dribble down my cheeks.


"Perry," I say as he continues.

"Miss Perry we cannot have you in there," He yells as he lets go of my wrists as I hear Shannon take a step closer towards me.

"Please," I cry.

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