Chapter 48: Happy Birthday

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I wake up to an empty bed and the blankets neatly placed on Katy's side of the bed and on top is a note.

'Just went for a run be back soon, Katy xx'

Typical Katy. I decide to get up and change knowing that she'll want to go somewhere when she gets back. I wear a cute but chic outfit and decide to dress my hair up a little but it's hard to even compare to Katy. Once I changed I make sure that all of Katy's presents are prepared for tomorrow besides the canvas which I got Tamra to ship to the hotel yesterday. Thankfully I wrapped the rest of them before we left for the airport.

Katy arrives home some time later and she changes and we leave to walk around Times Square. Katy and I end up spending way too much money, mostly on clothes and a few homewares. New York has some really cute high end antique boutiques which Katy is drawn too and I think we spent at least two hours in one of them. The people working there treat Katy like a normal human being and don't even ask who I am or why I'm with Katy Perry in New York. But I've heard that lots of celebrities go to this shop.

As well as boutiques we go to Central Park and have a nice healthy lunch since Katy doesn't want to eat badly since she just went on a huge run. A few people stare and only a couple ask for photos. I don't think that anyone wanted to disturb us since the whole time we were either in deep conversation or laughing till our stomachs hurt. We also took some ridiculous photos which will probably haunt us in a few years to come and especially since Katy and I uploaded a few to twitter and Instagram. Of course the fans went wild but I was distracted off my phone since we had come across another huge mall. We ended up spending hours there, mainly since I had to drag Katy out of the adidas shop, but it didn't stop her from buying more outfits and shoes from there.

We eventually go back to the hotel and order a room service of pizza. Honestly it's one of the best pizzas that I've ever had and I end up devouring way too many slices. So sit on the lounge feeling like a massive food baby has developed in my stomach while Katy sits on the dining table and must be on her computer since I can hear the tapping of the keyboard against her nails.

"Katy what are we doing tomorrow for your birthday?" I yell even though she's only a few metres away.

"I was thinking that we could go to a history museum and then an art gallery and go out for lunch or something," Katy says.

"That sounds good." I swear that Katy thinks that I'm not gonna get her anything tomorrow but at least that means an even bigger surprise. "And once your done can I use your laptop to Skype Michelle?"

"I'm done now. And don't go looking through my laptop!" Katy says sternly.

"Oh I won't," I say knowing how pissed Katy would be if I did.

I walk over to Katy's laptop as she walks into the bedroom and lays on the bed playing her phone. I then start typing Michelle's Skype username in and plug in earphones since I need to ask Michelle something's and Katy's nosey so she'll try her best to listen to every word that Michelle says. After a few rings she finally answers and the laptop screen lights up with a brunette woman beaming.

I start talking about what we did today and how she's been doing even though I talked to her yesterday, but I also mention how I'm going to have to go back to school. Then she asks a question which I'm not prepared for at all.

"Have you called Katy mum yet?" My eyes are so puzzled and I shake my head. I thought about it a few times and how I should take the next step since I'm the only one who can do so. If I do would that mean that I'd be kicking Michelle away?

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