Chapter 54: Unconscious

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"Okay Katy are you ready?" Bradford asks my team who are all crowded around a computer just waiting for Bradford to click the upload button.

"Yep," I proclaim. "Holly are you ready?" I ask as I grab Holly's hand and squeeze it tightly.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" She exclaims with a massive grin on her face.

"Okay 3," Bradford pauses as everyone joins in on the countdown. "2,1."

The button is then clicked.


I awaken. My whole body smothered in sweat and my forehead producing large thick balls of it. I breathe in heavily and exhale and try and toss over and try to fall back asleep although the second my head touches my pillow the pain erupts. My chest has been fine for the past three days and I haven't received the slightest bit of pain. I had been taking the medication as told and as far as I knew it seemed to be working well.

Breathe in... breathe out.

Breathe in... breathe out.

Breathe in... breathe out.

My eyes close as I rest my hands on my chest and try to distract myself from the pain. I even try laying down again, the pain worsening as I do so. Knowing that I won't get a wink of sleep in here I stumble downstairs, pour myself a glass of water and then plonk myself on the lounge and firmly lean my back against it. I sit up straight and pull a nearby blanket over my body and try to fall asleep sitting up which is extremely difficult to tell you the truth.

The pain in my chest slowly becomes less painful and not wanting to risk it coming back again I just sit up and stay awake. I decide to switch on the television but the second it comes on a photo of Holly and I appears so I just switch it off, not wanting to here that stuff at almost 4am. So I just ponder until my eyes become heavy.


It's been a rough few days. The paparazzi are literally surrounding my house, well I mean the fences and we haven't left the house at all. Santa Barbara was our plan but we might wait and leave in a few days rather than today.

Although it's been quite boring staying at home, I've had some of my friends come over and keep me company but still how long can you stay home for?

Holly's been doing her homework and we have watched at least a dozen movies and had really deep conversations with one another. The other night just before she was going to bed I sat besides her and unraveled the word 'fame' and re encountered every experience that I have had with the paparazzi. Although I have spoken with Holly about the prospect of being famous I hadn't dug deep enough, since she's still so young but I had to tell her. I told her about when I was physically stalked to my hotel and I was at the age of 26 at the time and I was so frightened. Not only that but having people take photos of you literally all the time even when on vacation. Then there's people who try to be friends with you because they want the package and could care less about your personality. I had to filter through them and find the good ones. Not only friends are hard to deal with at times but I think yourself is probably the hardest thing to deal with. At times I would actually believe what people wrote about me, that I was fat and had no talent. You get so winded up in the gossip that you forget who you really are and start changing yourself for everyone else and try to be perfect, which we all know is insane. Anyway after around hours of digging deep I think we got somewhere, Holly finally stopped saying that she'll be fine and started the fully process the prospect. The only problem is I think is that I scared her a little but I've reassured her that I'll be here if anything happens. At least now she knows what to expect.

The big thing is that she is only thirteen and still so young. She takes thing to heart and can get hurt easily. She's strong of course but I think that this will take a huge toll on her. I suppose that we will just have to see what happens.

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