Chapter 14: Don't leave me Katy

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(Michelle's POV)
I keep on sitting outside Holly's room just waiting for her to come out of surgery. It's been about half and hour since Jessica left, I went to get some lunch earlier and now I'm here waiting again.

I grab my phone out of my handbag and go on Facebook, I just look at all the things that my friends are up to, they all look like they are having fun while I'm here in a hospital waiting for my daughter to get out of hospital.

I scroll down more of my feed and then I turn my phone off. I slide it back into my handbag just as I put it on my arm. I then get off the chair and walk to the front desk.

I'm greeted by Audrey who is staring at a computer screen, I wait patently until Audrey notices that I'm there.

"Oh sorry Michelle, I didn't see you there, what would you like?" Audrey asks sweetly

"I was just wondering if I could see Katy?" I ask

"Umm well Katy is in a coma, but you can see her for a little bit" Audrey says while she quickly types something into her computer

"Okay what room is she in?" I say as Audrey looks back at me

"She's in 79B, which is just down the corridor" Audrey says

"Okay thank you very much Audrey" I say cheerfully

"Your welcome" Audrey says as I do a 180 degrees and head towards Katy's room

I go down the corridor until I find Katy's room, I locate her room and see that there are no windows leading into the room.

I walk closer to the door and then I turn the metal knob, I'm greeted by all of Katy's family who are surrounding Katy and are weeping, they all loose their focus on Katy and look up at me with wonder.

"Oh is this a bad time?" I say about to turn back

"No it's fine Michelle come in" Katy's mum Mary says as she signals me to come in

I close the door behind me and take a seat next to Katy's sister Angela, I look at Katy who has a gas mask on I feel my eyes start to water as I continue looking at Katy.

I let out a loud sob as I put my head in my hands, I can feel stares all over me as Angela engulfs me in a warm hug, I gladly accept it and lean on Angela's shoulder as I let all my emotions exit my mouth.

"It's okay Michelle" Angela cooes as she rubs my back

I keep on sobbing as I remember some of things that Katy had said while Holly was in a coma.

Katy kept on saying "Holly can't die before I get a chance to make a influence on her life" Katy always said, they she would burst into tears.

I'm so scared that what Katy said might come a reality to Holly, because of Katy's condition so far Holly may never get a chance to reconnect with her biological mother.

I want Katy to have a chance with Holly but the way she is going it might not happen. I'm praying that Katy will make it through, the doctors said that its a miracle that she survived 2 heart attacks and now it's her third, she might not be this lucky today.

I remove myself from Angela's hug and rub my eyes before I look around the room and recognise all of Katy's family. I can see Mary, Keith, David, Shannon, Angela and then I see a male sitting next to Katy and holding her hand.

"I don't think we have met, well I'm Michelle" I say to the unfamiliar male

"I don't think we have and I'm John, John Mayer" John says as I get off my chair and shake his hand

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