Chapter 24: This is going to change everything

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Katy and I pull away from our hug. As I again look at the needles in my hand and tug at one of them as I wince in pain. "Holly don't do that," Katy says as she lightly moves my hand again and holds it tightly.

"It hurts," I say.

"I know it does but it will make you feel better." Katy says.

I use my other free hand which is still wrapped in a cast as I lift up the sheets as I see a white cast covering my whole leg, I try and move it but it hurts too much so I just put the sheets down.

I yawn and cover my mouth at the same time and a few seconds later Katy does the same. I've always wondered why yawning is contagious, and how does it spread so easily.

"You smell nice," I say as I inhale Katy's vanilla scent lingering around the room.

"I went to my mums house and had a shower, because apparently I smelt like the hospital according to my mother," Katy says as she smells herself and makes a satisfied sign on her face.

"Katy can you come and sit with me," I say patting the small space besides me.

"I can't Hol. I don't want to damage your leg," Katy says as I frown.

Katy and I then talk for a while and she tells me a lot about herself which I'm surprised that the press haven't already found out. I don't tell her as much as she does, I just don't want her to find out about my mums and I's past.

I don't know why Katy is still at the hospital. It's not that I don't want her here because I do, I just want to know why me? I know she's my mums friend and all but still why is she telling me all these things, why does she trust me and I don't completely trust her.

Maybe I should ask Katy but then again she'll probably say that she loves to help people. It seems like a logical answer but there is something else behind it.

Why does Katy make me feel safe? Why do I feel a connection whenever I'm in her arms? Why is it that whenever she leaves I feel so lonely like I've lost something or someone who is so important to me. I just want to be in her arms and tell her everything that has happened in my life over the last 12 years.

I want to tell her about Richard and about how I get treated at school. I just need to tell her. I know that she's a celebrity and that Katy probably has better things to do than to listen to my problems but I need some closure.

My mum and I haven't talked about the accident and what happened to Richard. Maybe she knows that I might be scared, and then terrible nightmares will come whenever there is darkness. But I need to know the truth, I need to know what happened to him and if he locked up behind tall metal bars. If he'll ever to see daylight again, if he'll ever be walking the streets one day like a free man.

I hope he doesn't. Why should a man which has nearly killed my mother and I should be allowed back onto the streets? I'm scared of what the future may hold, I'm scared that I'll wake up tomorrow and Richard will come for me. I'm scared, but I don't want anyone to worry so I just keep that thought to myself.

"Hey Katy."

"Yeah," She says turning towards with her lips forming an o shape.

"Do you know what happened to the person who caused the accident?" I say as Katy seems a bit shocked.

"I don't know anything besides that he escaped from prison and that he is going back there but that's all. So your going to have to ask your m-u-mum," Katy as says she struggles to say mum, so I cut her off.

"Mum you mean. And I'll ask her later," I say.

I look over at Katy who is struggling to keep her eyes open. Her eyelids keep on falling but she forces them open. I didn't even notice that it was getting late since I was so distracted by Katy and I's conversation.

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