Chapter 12: I can't breathe

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(Katy's POV)
I feel my eyes start to water as I hear Holly sobbing, I shouldn't of asked that question.

"Oh Katy your so stupid, why did you say that, great job Katy" I say in my head just regretting what I said

I keep on looking down at Holly who is still sobbing in the crook of neck, I rest my head on my daughters head and start singing this moment.

Can you tell me, who called a race?
Can anyone stay in one place?
And when you get to the finish line
Will you wish for more time?
But see, one day
One day you will
But maybe one day you will find
That you just can't push rewind

All we have is this moment
Tomorrow's unspoken
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
All we have is this moment
To put a love into motion
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
Be here with me now

Do you ever think that we're just chasing our tails?
Like life is one big fast treadmill
And we pop what is prescribed
If it gets us first prize
But you know who I, who I think will win
Are the ones that let love in
Are the ones that take the time

All we have is this moment
Tomorrow's unspoken
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
All we have is this moment
To put a love into motion
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
Be here with me now

Be here with me now
'Cause the future is right now, right in front of you
Don't let the clock, the clock tell you what to do
Our future is right now, I'm in front of you
Baby don't blink and miss

This moment
Tomorrow's unspoken
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
All we have is this moment
To put a love into motion
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?
Be here with me now
(End of lyrics)

I open my eyes once I finish the last sentence, I look down at Holly and then she moves from my neck and sits up on her bed.

Holly covers her mouth, then tears start streaming down her face. I start to panic, I have no idea what's happening.

"Oh my gosh Katy that was beautiful" Holly says as a large grin spreads across her face

"Oh baby" I say as I get off my chair and give Holly a huge bone crushing hug

I rest my head on Holly's shoulder and just smile as well as cry, I can't believe that this is happening. My daughter is hugging me and says how beautiful my singing was.

Wait when I asked Holly about her dad why did she start crying? I wonder if he died or is really sick, I'm not sure but I'm keen to find out, I don't want Holly hiding this from me.

I might ask Michelle later, but for now I'm just going to enjoy my daughters company.

Holly pulls away from the hug and lays down in her hospital bed, her head is facing towards me and she has a small smile spread across her face.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Holly

"Okay, I'm just really tired" Holly replies with a huge yawn as well as her eyes start flickering

"Don't fight your sleep honey" I say to Holly

Holly eyes start closing as she snuggles into her blankets, I stroke the side of Holly's face and just smile.

I see a single tear roll down Holly's cheek and I use the pad of my thumb to wipe it away, to be honest I'm in complete shock, that I'm sitting next to my daughter even though she knows me as her mums friend.

Silence fills the room except for the small beeping sound of the huge machine which is placed next to Holly.

I get off my chair and kiss Holly's forehead and walk out of the room, I close the door quietly not wanting to wake my daughter.

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