Chapter 2: Closed doors

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(Shannon's POV)
We are Nealy at saint Barbara hospital, only another 20 minutes.

I look over at Katy who is snuggled in her chair, her long black hair covering her face and I can her faint sobs escaping her mouth. Her cries are quiet as she tries to stop herself and she then takes a deep breath inhaling the swallow air around us.

I feel for her, Katy has been through so much these last couple of years. She broke up with Russel, but now hopefully things should be good with John. He's a good man and always has Katy's best interest at heart even though sometimes he doesn't show it to often.

My eyes remove there focus from Katy and onto the road. I grip the wheel tight enough that my knuckles turn white just worried about what we are about to witness once we arrive at the hospital.

I know that Katy is strong and always has and always will be but is this to much to handle. Is she going to reach her breaking point. I loosen the grip on the wheel and hear clicking sounds coming from Katy's phone.

"Who are you texting?" I question.

"John," She mumbles.

"Katy, what are you going to tell him?" I say.

"I'm just going to say I'm visiting a friend at the hospital?" Katy shrugs indicating that it is no big deal that she is lying.

"Is he going to come to the hospital?" I say tilting my head towards Katy.

"I told him not too," Katy answers.

"Katy, you know that you should tell him," I say trying to focus on Katy and the road.

"It's too soon," Katy says as she runs her fingers down her hair.

"Just tell him when your ready,"

"I will but I don't know if I'll ever be ready," Katy says as I hear the sound of her phone turn off.

It's silent for a few minutes even though I know that Katy's mind must be running like crazy with all of these thoughts and emotions to deal with. She surprises me sometimes with everything that she has to deal with. I struggle to comprehend it all and somehow Katy does. I suppose that she has to be strong even though she is broken inside, but she keeps a plastered smile on her face. It's hard to tell when something is wrong because she seems to be always happy and doesn't like letting people in.

She hates for people to worry about her even though she worry's about everyone else. Katy is not self centred and cares about other people more than herself, and loves to help others. But sometimes she needs to worry about herself and take a step back to think. She has lots of things to deal with everyday and sometimes she isn't happy and just wants to not be famous, but then she remembers her fans and how they will always support her. Sometimes Katy says that, that keeps her going and that is her motive. But maybe Katy can't keep holding on anymore.

I hear Katy's phone vibrate in her pocket. She ignores it for a while but I urge her to answer it.

(Katy's POV)
My phone vibrates in my pocket but I ignore it. Shannon urges me to take it so I take it out of my pocket and the caller ID reads John.

"Hey," I sniffle.

"Hey Katy, are you okay?" He says picking up on my tone.

I clear my voice trying to sound as normal as possible. "Yeah I'm fine," I lie.

"So who are you visiting?" He say changing the subject.

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