Chapter 37: Burgers and the beach

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The burger manages to find its way inside my mouth but I refuse to eat anymore even though Katy tries to make me hungry by describing the dessert which she bought. I just shake my head and watch everyone devour their desserts while I suck on a throat lozenge.

Everyone seems to eat quickly probably because they all want to go inside, since there is a cool breeze floating around. Even with all of these layers on I'm shivering making my teeth chatter which receives stares from everyone including Katy who looks concerned and goes to speak which thankfully pulls the attention away from me.

"Why don't you go inside. We will be done in a minute," Katy says as she puts her hand firmly on my back.

"Okay," I say as I then pull the chair and leave the table without many people noticing.

The second I walk inside my whole body instantly thaws and I walk over to the large living room and sit on a couch in front of the fireplace which provides even more heat. Thankfully a blanket is nearby so I wrap that around myself and put my feet in front of me. I glance over at the clock which reads a quarter to nine and my body craves sleep since I'm a bit under the weather. So I close my eyes for what feels like a second and without even realising, I fall asleep while the fireplace casts a shadow over my body.

(Katy's POV)
I watch Holly walk inside and the second she closes the door I pull my phone out and tap Johnny's shoulder and without saying a word I show him an article. His eyes carefully read the article making sure to not miss a word and he then lifts his head.

"What are you going to do?" He whispers making sure to bring no attention to our conversation.

"What should I do?" I say having no idea of what to do.

"Wait was that why you were on the phone up in your room?" He says.

"Yeah Tamra called and let me know, then Bradford, then Angela and then I talked to Tamra again," I say as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Oh, and before Holly was looking sad so I asked what was wrong and she told me that you were on the phone and that you wouldn't tell her who. She was annoyed but I just said that it was business and people asking for interviews," Johnny says.

"I talked to her after and basically said the same thing but I forgot to tell her to not pick any magazine or newspaper or read any article that has a photo of her on it," I say.

"Just tell her later," Johnny says keeping his cool more than I can.

"I will. And how on earth can they think that Holly is Russell's and I's child. Like I didn't even know him when I was 18. And just because he is in Los Angeles at the same time as me it doesn't mean that we are together," I blurt out not realising that I had said it loud enough for the whole table to hear. My eyes widen as the spotlight is put on me. My cheeks flush red even though I'm use to having tens of their people look at me.

"Katheryn is there something going on?" My mother says in a concerned tone.

"Just people spreading lies about Holly," I say not wanting to give a full explanation.

"I warned you about this," My mum says reminding of the days where she use to give me lectures about being Holly into the world of fame.

"She'll never know," I say.

"You can't protect her forever Katy. One day you are going to have to tell her that she is on the front cover of every magazine," My mum fires back which makes my blood boil.

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