Chapter 52: The plush toy

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(Holly's POV)
I rub my eyes and peer over at my phone which brightly reads 7:00am so I shove my phone in my pocket then jump out of bed at the thought of today being my birthday! I basically run down stairs, even though mum will probably not be awake and to my sight she isn't and I begin pacing around the house until I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. I pull my phone out and see the called ID say Michelle so I pick it up.

"Happy birthday Holly!" She screams through the phone nearly deafening my left ear.

"Thank you Michelle!"

"I cannot believe that you are finally a teenager, like I remember you crawling on the floor and taking your first steps, like time flies!" She states.

"I know right! It feels really weird to be 13, but maybe mum might actually let me go out by myself," I say since mum barley lets me walk a few metres away from her.

"Knowing your mother you won't be allowed out of the house alone till your twenty! She's very protective but in a good way!" Michelle exclaims.

"Yeah she is," I verify.

"So is she going to make you a birthday breakfast?"

"Well she not even awake but it's only like 7 o'clock so I doubt she will wake up anytime soon."

"She'll probably take you somewhere today, but your present should be coming in the mail in the next week days!"

"Michelle you didn't..." she cuts me off.

"Uh Holly yes I do. I will always always send you gifts no matter what!" She tells.

"Aw thanks and what is it?"

"You'll see!"

"Fine. Oh and I forgot to tell you but mum and I are telling the world!" The call goes silent for a few seconds. "Michelle are you still there?"

"Yeah, yeah. And wow that's big, just make sure to stay true to yourself, don't let the fame change you in anyway," Michelle says.

"I won't. I'll always be the girl who came from Santa Barbara," I say.

"Good, but call me anytime if you need to talk to someone who isn't part of the fame."

"I will, and thanks again!"

"And have a great birthday and tell your mother to post some pictures!" Michelle follows mum and I on all social medias so that she can see what we do.

"I'll tell her."

"Okay, bye Hol, love you."

"Love you too."

The line goes dead and I just lounge around on the couch and I log onto my social medias and see that mum tagged me in something at midnight. She posted a few photos of her and I, one standing in front of the statue of liberty with her arm firmly around me and her lips pressed up against one of my cheeks, while I smile showing all of my teeth, then another one of us snuggled together on the couch both sound asleep, then a selfie that I took when I stole her phone and last but not least one of us at the beach. Then photo reads.

"@HollyHudson Happy 13th birthday baby! You've kept me sane and I felt lost for such a long period of time until you came along, so thank you. Holly have the most beautiful(est) heart and I love you so much and never ever forget that!"

My lips curl into a smile and instantly retweet, like and reply back, but its hard to reply back without spilling the truth.

"@katyperry I love you and I got that from someone who means more than the universe itself!"

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