Chapter 47: New York, New York

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"Oh my god she's so big!" I squeal as we approach the rather tall green statue.

"I know right, she looks even bigger when you climb to the top," Katy states as she's been here plenty of times before. "Here," Katy pauses as she hands me he phone. "Can you take a picture of me?"

I immediately start taking heaps of pictures as Katy who poses like lady liberty with her crown like hat on and a huge grin on her face. Katy pulls me in a few as a elderly lady takes our photo. We both do the most random poses which are probably going to look ridiculous, but some of them turned out okay. Well they must have been okay because Katy uploaded them to twitter and one of them was her by herself posing like the statue with the caption 'Lady Perry'.

Katy and I got to New York just a bit after lunch since New York is 3 hours in front. Our hotel is honestly amazing, I swear it's basically like a house. There's a room with two Queen beds then another with a king sized bed, then a kitchen, bathroom and ensuite, a living room and thousands of beautiful homewares and top of the line appliances. Everything is dressed so nicely, whether it's the linen on the beds or the cushions which are aligned perfectly on the sofas. To top it off they have room service with basically any item of food on the menu. Knowing Katy and I we will probably be the ones ordering pizza for breakfast.

For Katy she'll have a side of almond milk since she is always watching what she eats. In the world of fame every magazine can tell if you've gained a kilo let alone a gram. Not that Katy does it because of that but she has to stay fit since she always on the go and walking down the red carpet in a slim fitting dress. Honestly even if Katy ate McDonald's for a whole week she probably wouldn't even gain a kilo.

My mind focuses away from my thoughts and onto the sight of 354 stairs which lay in front of my eyes. The sight of the metal stairs make my knees weak just seeing them, imagine how bad they are half way up. But if a 30 year old woman can do it I suppose I can as well so I clench my teeth and walk besides Katy every single step. We stop only a few times just to hydrate.

The second I took the last step my eyes immediately fell in love with the view. The buildings stood tall and the water glistened in the sunlight, highlighting every boat and ferry. My attention of the view was soon distracted by the hundreds of clicks from the cameras coming behind me. I spin around seeing almost everyone holding cameras or some time of phone trying to get the best picture including myself. Katy holding her iPhone walked towards where I was and starting taking what looked like thousands of photos of the view and me. I probably looked ridiculous since I had a lady liberty crown on and the cheesiest grin but Katy seemed to be satisfied when she pulls her phone out of my focus and examined the photo. Katy even got in a few photos with fans and the second she took one a dozen of people flooded to get theirs. Katy being Katy took all of the photo and grinned the whole time and laughed with everyone even though they were cramming around her like she was some animal in a zoo. Thankfully they all eventually backed away and Katy and I started headed down the several hundred stairs.

"I was thinking that we could go to dinner tonight?" Katy suggests as we walk step by step.

"That sounds great!"

We finish walking down the stairs and there are heaps of people who run up to Katy the second she takes the last step out of lady liberty. Compared to up there that was nothing since she is bombarded with phones, cameras and blinding flashes. I just stand back not within the huge mob and take a seat on a nearby bench while watch my mother take photos with her fans. She is so genuine with them and never is rude. She is very patient around them and never gets annoyed when more and more people ask for photos. I don't know how she does it. But she's had a fair amount of practise I suppose. The paparazzi seem to throw that practise out the window since they know how to get under your skin. I've seen it and it's horrifying to hear their questions which just seem to be about exes and all. Katy just stays mute besides the time I got injured while around them all. Then she got mad and her mouth went wild. But all they want is a reaction and they got one.

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