Chapter 20: The truth

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(Michelle's POV)
I smile a fake smile. I'm so blessed that I was able to be apart of Holly's life and foster her for over a decade. She's an amazing girl and surprises me sometimes.

She gives the best advice and half the time gives it without even noticing. Holly doesn't understand why I said that, she just thinks that I said that I'm blessed to be her mum.

Which is not what I meant but I wouldn't understand that too.

I don't know whether to tell Katy about him. Will she ever forgive me for doing that to Holly, I wouldn't either if I found out that my daughter has been physically abused.

But hopefully Katy's different, which in a good way she is. I think it's time to tell Holly, about it all. You know who her mum is, and that I'm not her mother.

I just don't know how to break it too her, do I just say Holly I'm not your mum or Holly you are adopted. Like what do I say?

Will she accept the fact that I'm not her mum? That's what I'm scared of, that she won't go live a life with Katy. That she'll just keep denying the truth.

I lift myself off the chair and start walking to the door. I need to discuss this with Katy. Is she ready for this?

"Mum where are you going?" Holly asks

"I just need to tell Katy something, okay?" I say

"Okay mum" Holly says

I then turn the door handle and walk outside slowly shutting the door behind myself.

"What's wrong with Holly?" Katy says

"Nothing, she wouldn't tell me. She's probably just tried." I say lying horribly about it

"Okay" Katy says

"Katy I think it's time" I finally manage to say

Katy's eyebrows rise and she looks at me smiling from ear to ear. She must be ready.

"I think it is" Katy says softly

I then smile and walk into Holly's room again and close the door. I take a seat next to Holly's bed and take a slow deep breath.

"Holly if you were adopted would you stay with me or live with your real mum?" I ask Holly

"Why?" Holly chuckles

"I don't know, but what would you choose?" I say

"Well I don't know either. But it would depend who my real mum is. But I couldn't leave you mum, you are my mum I couldn't just walk away" Holly says smiling

I embrace Holly in a warm hug as a tear rolls down my cheek. I don't think Holly will give Katy a chance, and I won't be able to take care of Holly either. We then exit our hug.

"Holly I need to tell you something and I don't know how to say it. Would it be better if I went through it with you or just smack it down on the table" I say looking at Holly

"Uh go through it with me. I suppose?" Holly says staring at me wondering what I'm going to tell her

"Well I highly doubt you'll remember this but when you were about 2 or 3 you had a baby sitter. Her name was Katy and you loved when she came, you two had some sort of connection" I say

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