Chapter 36: Dinner parties

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I've been sitting up here for a while now and I'm surprised that Holly hasn't come looking for me. But she knows that it is a touchy subject and can probably tell by my reaction that I don't really want to talk about it.

I should go inside since the weather seems to be cooling down. So I get off the egg chair and walk down the hill even though I could honestly stay there all night, but it's not just about me anymore. I have a nearly thirteen year old child who needs me and frankly I need her more than ever.

Once I reach the bottom of the hill, I slowly walk past the pool and past the outdoor table and couches. I then find myself inside and I instantly feel warmth. I head back to my room since Holly is no where to be seen and I might even have a short nap before my friends start to arrive. But knowing me that nap will probably turn to scrolling through twitter or talking to Holly even though I'd rather keep this book closed, but I need to open up since she has to me.

My thoughts then drain out of my mind once I turn the handle of my door and see Holly fast asleep on top of the covers still with the photos scattered all over the bed. So I quietly close the door and then start putting all of the photos back into their box and then into the wardrobe.

My feet then drag me to my bed and I grab my phone and lay beside Holly who still doesn't move even when the bed creaks. Time has gone by so fast today and it's close to 5 o'clock and I should be waking up Holly soon, but my phone does that for me and my ringtone goes off and the caller ID reads mum, so I slide and accept her call trying to be quiet even though Holly is sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Hey mum," I say through the phone.

"Hey, I was wondering if you and Holly would like to coms over for dinner?" My mum says.

"Uh, I forgot to tell you that we are in LA," I say.

"Wait, is she staying with you?" My mum says shocked.

"Just for a night or two since I needed to do things and I couldn't leave her at her home because Michelle is still in Africa," I say.

"Okay. Anyway how is it going with you and her?" My mum says.

"Pretty good."

"Has she made up her mind whether or not she is going to Africa?"

"Not yet, but would you and dad like to come to mine for dinner since a few of my friends are coming over?" I say even though it will take them two hours to get here.

"Keith!" I hear my mum yell as she then asks him if they would both like to come over.

"Yeah we will be there at 7. And you can start without us," My mum says.

"No it's fine, I'm sure that we can all wait," I say.

"Okay," She says.

"I would invite David and Angela too but they both went on a vacation at different places," I say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," My mum says.

"Well I'll see you soon," I say.

"Okay, bye! I love you!" My mum says.

"Love you too," I say as I end the call and put my phone besides, then I pay my full attention to Holly whom is staring at me like she has no idea where she is.

"Sorry for waking you," I say.

"It's okay. I probably would have woken up anyway," Holly smiles.

"I was just asking my parents if they wanted to come over for dinner as well. They said yes and that they won't be here till a bit after seven," I say.

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