Chapter 38: It can't be him

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The morning arrives and we all find ourselves getting ready and changing into some nicer clothes. Michelle and I agreed this morning to tell Holly before we left so that she has some preparation rather then being rushed into things. But either way she will never be prepared enough and she is going to have to find a way to cope with the answer whether it's the one we are looking for.

Honestly I don't know how the judge could not lock Richard up since we have all evidence pointing at him. There are so many photos of abuse and so many pieces of evidence which back up Michelle and Holly's story perfectly. Everything fits so well together but it could be destroyed by Richards lies which I'm sure he'll try and prove that they are right.

But for now both Michelle and I are going to have to tell Holly about the trial which won't end without tears.

"Hey Holly, can you come over here," Michelle says as Holly comes and takes a seat besides me.

My facial expressions change and I look away from Holly making sure that she doesn't notice but she does. I can feel her burning stares and I then look back at her and her eyes soften.

"What's wrong?" Holly asks as I sit beside her helpless as I wait for Michelle to tell her.

"Holly. There is no doctors appointment," Michelle says as Holly gives us a confused tone.

"Did it get cancelled or..."

I then interrupt her. "No."

"What is going on?" Holly looks at me waiting for an answer and then to Michelle who has her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

Nobody answers Holly's burning question. But then Holly grabs my hand and starts squeezing it tight waiting for me to give her a sign that I'm there. I ignore it for a few short seconds but then I lift my other free hand and rest it on hers and I still don't give Holly any eye contact. The room stays filled with that awful silence that always seems to appear when the truth is being spoken or when a fight breaks loose.

I then look over at Michelle who takes a deep breath and fills her lungs with oxygen and then wets her cracked lips and any second the truth is about to break loose.

"The trial is today," Michelle says bluntly as she gives no expression or compassion into her grim tone.

My eyes then divert to Holly whose face is frozen and it seems like she has taken a step back a left the Earth for a few seconds. Her breathe is hollow and hitches short in her chest. Then her eyes become lined with glass as she tries to suck in the buckets of water which are trying to force themselves out. And the light drained from her eyes leaving them a swift grey and as dark as the sky that they could camouflage with the shadows. Then her throat tightens and her speech gets lost in tongue as she tried to form an argument. Her eyes didn't leave the floor as the time continued to tick making an echoing noise through the house which seemed to litter in every corner. But then the ticking was overpowered as Michelle got off the couch and said out loud that we needed to go soon and she headed to the car and swooped up her handbag and shut the front door behind her just leaving Holly and I.

A few seconds later I was just left in the room as Holly walked away not even saying a word. So I followed her up to her bedroom and watched her carefully open a drawer to her dresser and then her hands caught a folded piece of paper which shortly ended up in the pocket of her jacket. Then she quietly exited the room so I ran in front of her and I grabbed my phone and just as Holly was about to open the door and head to the car I pulled her shoulders back so that she stood in front of me. Suprisenly she didn't flinch and it's as though she was expecting be to caught her before she got a chance to run out the door.

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