Chapter 53: The next chapter

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(Katy's POV)
"Have you spoken to John?" Shannon asks while holding a steaming cup of coffee.

"Uh Shan we broke up like almost a year ago."

"Yeah but I thought that he would at least call. John isn't someone who gives up to easily."

"Yeah well this time he did," I state, rolling my eyes.

"Do you care?" God does this women ever stop?

"I don't know, but can we just drop it. I'm so sick of everyone talking about him," I huff.

"Sorry. Anyway moving on where's Holly, she would usually come say hello to me." Thank goodness Shannon decided to change the subject.

"She's up in her room doing homework because yesterday I finally managed to get her a tutor, she came and talked to both Holly and I about what time suits us and got to know Holly pretty well," I say.

"That's good, but hasn't Holly missed out on a lot of school?"

"Yeah, but according to her teachers at her previous school she was a good student and worked way ahead of her year, so she should be fine," I explain.

"Wait so she knows about Holly and you?"

"No no no. I was tempted to tell her but we can't risk it getting out since we are telling the world tomorrow."

"Oh yeah you are. I totally forgot about that."

"Yeah tomorrow is going to be a tough day. The second we release it I don't think I'll look at my phone for at least a week," I chuckle.

"Katy you can't live without twitter for that long," Shannon states knowing me clearly way to well.

"Well then Holly won't be turning on her phone for at least a week," I clarify.

"Have fun with that," Shannon chuckles.

I just roll my eyes and laugh at Shannon. We continue chatting for a while longer, talking more deeply about what will happen tomorrow and ways to help Holly deal with everything. Holly said that she will be fine and that it will be easy to ignore the hate, but the truth is it's not. Hate brings you to your lowest point and makes you second guess your every move and start forgetting who you are. Shannon even went up and talked to Holly about it, not that she would make much difference. After around half an hour of Shannon talking to Holly she finally returns.

"What did you say?" I question as Shannon takes a seat beside me.

"I told her about my experience with hate and ways to deal with it, that's all."

"Oh, did she seem to understand?"

"Yeah, extremely well actually. Katy she's a good kid and I'm sure that she'll handle it and if not I said that she has plenty of people to talk too, especially you." I smile at Shannon, being so utterly grateful.

Then that smile wipes away. That same heart wrenching pain comes back. My hands clench heavily against my chest, my mouth slightly tensed as I struggle for air.

"Katy is everything alright?" Shannon questions, with the most terrified expression on her face.

"Shan my heart," I mumble.

"You need to go to the hospital!" Shannon states standing up.

"No, no it's fine. It should stop soon, it always does after a while," I exclaim while begging to clinch my teeth even tighter.

"Katy we are leaving now."

"No, my heart is fine now," I pant as the pain slows down.

"What do you mean you are fine now, you could barely even breathe a few seconds ago," Shannon states as she sits back down.

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