Chapter 39: James Blare

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So many things have changed about him. The man I use to address as James Blare has turned into some sort of monster. But how?

He moved to Seattle to become a pilot since there was bigger opportunities there but the thing that shocked me the most was how could he be here. In jail. He loved children and we would always talk about starting a family together despite our young age. He was so gentle and would never hurt anyone let alone a child.

"Katy," I heard him whisper from across the room. Suddenly I felt ill and my vision became blurred and my head starting spinning. All eyes were on me as I rested my hands on my head not daring to look up. I cannot believe I loved that man and now look who he is today. He is a monster.

"Don't you dare talk to me!" I screamed making everyone in court room jump.

I was so confused. Did he change him name because he was never addressed as Richard, and he seems to like his name. But maybe when he moved to Seattle things change and with no parents around, he could do whatever he wanted.

One of the men gave him a sickening stare since he isn't allowed to say a word. But I knew that he wanted to say more. I wonder if he knows that I'm Holly's biological mother but I doubt that he would. Either way why did he treat my child like this, how could he treat our child like this?

"Why are you even here?" He said as one of the guards tighten there grip around his wrists.

"I'm here to support my daughter who you abused and also sucked the life out of..." I yelled. "You've changed so much James," I say in a more soft voice but I emphasise the word James.

"Your..." he pauses. "Your daughter?" He says confused.

"Yes my daughter," I clarify.

"Who's the father? Russell?" He says adding a sarcastic laugh to the end.

But then I lost it.

"IT'S YOU!" My hand quickly covered my mouth and the whole room fell silent. I swear that you could have heard a pin drop.

Richard's eyes nearly popped out of his head and his eyes remains on me the whole entire time. He kept on opening his mouth to speak but the words kept getting lost in his tongue but most suprisenly I saw a single tear roll down his left cheek. He didn't flinch nor wipe it away like he was proud of it or something, but maybe this proves that he is human. Either way I could never forgive him, he has done too much damage which could never be repaired no matter how much work is done. And I know that the little girl beside me couldn't either. It's like a wound. You do everything in your power to heal it, but there will always be a scar.

My vision turns away from Richard and to Michelle who's eyes are plastered to mine, she looks so angry. I don't know if it's at me or the fact that Holly was abused by her actual father but it's was obvious that she was going to blow at any minute. But Michelle could easily calm herself down.

On the other hand my daughter didn't say a word as she herself was trying to process it all. It would be hard especially for a twelve year girl who hates this mans guts. But do I hate him?

I was sat at a coffee shop in downtown Santa Barbara with my now black hair loosely hung below my shoulders. The breeze messed it up a little as my gaze looked at my coffee which lay on the table. The steam piped from the glass and the small coffee grains which laid on top started to sink. I took a sip and felt the hot liquid slowly trickle down my throat and then inject some energy into my body. I'd been having lots of late night; writing songs, practising my guitar and picturing my future in my head which always got my excited.

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