Chapter 32: Packing up old memories

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(Katy's POV)
Today I have learnt a lot and now it is so hard to look Holly in the eyes and know that she has been physically as well as mentally abused by the man she called her father. It sickens me.

Holly's eyes are glued to the television as she continue to watch episodes after episodes of dance moms. I cannot even imagine or picture what those eyes have seen at such a young age and how she has managed to live with those images in her mind. Once you see something it is very hard to forget no matter how much you try it seems to always stay with you. But as much as that is a bad thing it can be good too because those words of hope and inspiration stay with you and replay in your head when you need to hear them most.

"Katy!" I hear someone yell as I shake my head and escape my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say realising that Holly called.

"Can you please help me into my room so that I can start packing," She says.

"I thought that you were watching dance moms?"

"It's finished," Holly says whilst pointing to television.

"Oh, I didn't even realise. Here I'll help you," Instead of getting the wheelchair I just scoop Holly in my arms.

"What are you doing?" Holly laughs.

"Carrying you," I smirk.

"Let me go," Holly sequels as I run down the hallway with Holly clasped tightly in my arms.

"Never!" I yell as I kick Holly's door open and as much as I want to throw Holly on her bed I lightly place her down and then start tickling her sides.

"K-Katy, s..stop!" Holly muffles in between her screams.

My devilish fingers continue to tickle her and she screams and then she decides to try and start biting me so I pin her down on the bed.

"You cannot escape now!"

"Please let me go!" Holly giggles. "Katy... I-I cannot breathe."

"Sorry Hol," I then release my grip from her wrists.

Holly eyes divert to across her room and her cheeks flush red with embarrassment.

"What is it?" I said.

"Nothing," She badly lies.

My own curiosity leads me to walk across the room ignoring Holly who has countless times told me to not walk over. My feet stop and I see a large poster of me hanging up on Holly's wall, a smile forms in the corner of my lips. I may not have been physically there but I was always watching over Holly, but I wish that I could have seen through the eyes on the poster.

"You don't need to be embarrassed," I chuckle. "I already knew that you were a katycat anyway."

"I know, but it's kinda embarrassing. I have a poster of my mother in my room," Holly signs.

"You never would have known," I say as I purse my lips.

"I'm still finding it hard to process," Holly murmurs as I walk away from the poster and sit next to Holly who is located on her bed.

"Yeah, I can imagine how hard it would be. But Holly even though I'm famous it doesn't mean that I'm any less of a person," I say and then lightly rest my hand on her upper thigh.

"Obviously not," Holly shrugs. "Your a person and you have emotions and feeling just like everyone else besides the fact that you have people who would love to be you." Holly says but emphasises the word you.

"If they got to be me for a day I highly doubt that they would want to repeat it."

"Why not?" I have a surprised reaction until I realise that Holly hasn't experience the paparazzi yet as well as the magazines which will believe basically believe anything that someone throws onto the internet.

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