Chapter 31: He caused the accident

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I jolt awake and feel hot sweat drip down my body and cling to the sheets. My cheek is tear stained and my body starts to shake uncontrollably. I look around and realise that I'm in my bed even though I clearly remember falling asleep on the lounge. My head flicks towards the door as I hear it creak followed by a loud scream escaping my trembling lips.

"Katy, Katy!" My hands clutch my sheets and sobs and escape my lips.

Maybe the dream was true.

"Holly!" I hear someone yell.

"Katy?" I say softly and I'm then met with two arms wrapped around my waist.

"What's wrong baby," Katy says as she lays next to me and firmly strokes my hair.

"Are you real?" I whisper.

"Of course I'm real," Katy shrugs as she lifts my hand and lets me stroke her face. "Holly why were you screaming?" Katy's attention is now fully focused on me.

"Nothing," I mumble.

"Holly don't lie," She says as I look away.

"I-I had a dream," I say as Katy nods. "Where you got stabbed in the back."

Sobs escape my lips and Katy just pulls me into a bone crushing hug. My head rests on her chest soaking her shirt and my hands are firmly around her not wanting to let go for a second. I can feel her heartbeat as she takes each breathe. We both don't move and my sobbing lowers in volume. Katy continues to stroke my hair just as I like it and I feel my body starting to crave sleep.

I know that I should tell Katy the full truth but right now I don't have the energy too. Tomorrow I'll explain because right now I just want to stay in Katy's arms.

"Can you sleep with me," I muffle as I lift my head.

"Whatever you want baby," Katy soothes.

My arms release from Katy's waist and I shuffle over making room for Katy to sleep. She pulls the blanket over us both and I move closer to her and she wraps both of her arms around my waist pulling me even closer. Her breathe tickles my forehead but is calming at the same time. I look up and am met with Katy's big blue eyes which are admiring the features on my face.

"I'm sorry for earlier. It was stupid. I know that you would never hurt me," I murmur.

"It's fine. We don't need to talk about now. Let's just get some sleep Hol," She whispers.

"Okay," I whisper.

I try and fight my sleep not wanting to go back into that dream and relive the emotions.

"Don't fight your sleep," Katy cooes.

"I don't want to go back," I say.

"To where," Katy says with her eyes closed.

"To the dream."

"You won't and if you do I'll wake you," Katy says as a yawn escape her lips.

My eyes close and I fall asleep to the light sounds of Katy humming.

My legs and arms stretch out in front of me and then my elbow comes into contact with something. I hear someone moan and then realise that I accidentally elbowed Katy in the cheek, so she just turns her body away from me.

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