Chapter 11: By the grace of god

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I put my head on hands and start screaming out in pain. My daughter has gone, she's not on earth anymore, I can't even say I love you Holly, I've lost the most important treasure in my life, my daughter.

I hear everybody crying and I see Natasha, she is crying hysterically but Jessica is running her back and her sobs turn down in volume.

I keep on staring into Holly's eyes which are covered by her eyelids, I will never get to see Holly ever again, I keep on holding Holly's hand just wanting to go back to 12 years ago where I gave Holly up, so I could change that and have my daughter back.

But I can't this world hasn't invented a time machine yet, I just can't believe it, I'm keep on looking at Holly who is in heaven now, probably watching over us.

I keep on holding Holly's hand then I feel something squeeze my hand, I look at my hand and notice that Holly is squeezing my hand tightly.

"Holly's squeezing my hand" I scream so that everybody hears me

Everybody stares at me like I'm lying about all this, then the doctor feels her pulse with her opposite hand. I still continue feeling Holly squeezing my hand. Is she alive, wait no this can't be possible, how could she pull through this.

My daughter might be alive, she's stronger than all this, she knew how much we needed her in or lives our words could of helped her pull through, I'm so proud of my daughter.

"She's alive" The doctor says in a surprised tone

"What" Michelle says in a shocked voice

"She's alive she was squeezing Katy's hand and look" The doctor says as he points to Holly's stomach was moving slowly up and down indicating that she is breathing

Michelle is in complete shock she has her hand over her mouth and is crying happy tears.

Natasha gets off her chair and goes to Holly's bed and gives her a huge hug. I keep on looking at Holly and then I see her moves her arms onto Natasha and hug her back.

"She's hugging me" Natasha says still hugging her best friend tightly

Natasha pulls away then walks to her chair, I look at Holly so proud of my daughter who has just breathed on her own, for the first time in months.

"I love you so much baby girl" I say as I move a piece of hair off Holly's face then I kiss her forehead and as I pull away with a smile.

Holly made it through, she's so strong, I don't understand how she did it. But she's awake, she didn't loose her battle she won it.

It sit back on my chair as Shannon puts her arm around my back, I give Shannon a happy smile, the first one in ages. I feel like a sun that has just risen from behind the hills, I have risen and now I get to see my daughter alive.

I keep on looking at Holly as her eyes start to flicker open, I start chanting inside my head hoping that Holly's eyes will flicker open.

Then I see her beautiful blue eyes shimmering in the small amount of sunshine that is coming through the small crack in the curtains.

Holly's lifts herself in a sitting position and I bolt out of the room before she even gets a chance to see me.

I find a seat outside Holly's room and stare at the blinds which lead to my baby girl who is talking and is breathing with her own two lungs.

I'm so happy, I think I'll just stay outside for a bit just until Michelle explains everything. I mean everything the adoption and about me, she needs to know Michelle and I have been hiding it for 12 years.

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