Chapter 10: My daugher has left me

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"What is it?" I ask Katy while wiping my tears with my fingers

"Well I'm Holly's biological mum" Katy says biting her lip

"You her what" I say in a confused tone

"I'm Holly's birth mum, she's my daughter" Katy says to me acting really nervous

I'm speechless, I look at Katy in complete shock, I know that Holly's adopted but I never knew that Katy's Holly's mum.

"Are you serious?" I ask Katy not knowing if I should believe her

"Yes, I wouldn't lie to you, I know it's crazy but let me explain" Katy says trying to reassure me that she's telling the truth, I believe Katy but wow

"Okay" I say wanting to know more

"So I had Holly when I was 17, I was a single mum and I had no money, I was struggling to feed myself and if I kept her I wouldn't of been able to feed her or buy nappies, clothes and everything else that you need for babies. I still wanted to keep her no matter what, at that time I was trying to pursue my music career so it was a really busy time. My parents didn't want me to keep Holly because I wouldn't be able to take care of her but I was determined that I could. My parents kept on encouraging me that I should give her up. After weeks of arguing and me occasionally running away with Holly I finally gave in. I had to give her up for adoption, I made sure that I found her the best home. That was the worst day of my life, I cried when I had to give Holly to her new family, I remember when I handed her over to her new mum that she bawled her eyes out and was reaching out for me. I was so temped to just grab Holly and run away, but my parents were holding my arms. Her new mother and father promised me that I could occasionally babysit Holly. And that day I cried the whole day, I fell to the ground when they took holly, my whole world just crumbled" Katy finished explaining the story to me and by the end of it she was a mess

Tears were all over her face and she was crying, I felt so sorry for Katy that she had to go through that. Especially that she'll never get to meet her daughter, that's so sad.

"Thanks for telling me" I say trying to smile

"That's okay kitten and I forgot to ask, whats your name?" Katy asks me wiping tears off her face

"I'm Natasha but you can call me Tash" I say with a small smile

"So Tash your Holly's best friend" Katy asks me recovering from crying

"Yeah I'm really going to miss..." I can't get Holly out of my mouth without crying

Memories just fly back into my head like an plane speeding off the runway. I swallow air and try to stop myself from falling in the floor and crying.

I rest my back on the couch and pull my knees closer to myself, I bury my head into my knees and let my tears run off my face.

I can feel Katy rubbing my back gently, I lift my head for a second and look at Katy who is crying as well. She must be going through a lot of pain, compared to me. Holly's her daughter, she couldn't even meet her or tell her that she's Holly's mum.

I can't believe how strong Katy is I knew that she has always been strong by watching her movie part of me but this is beyond that. I wish that I could be that strong, but to be honest I'm weak.

I don't think that I'll be able cope after this, I feel like over these last couple of weeks I've had signs of depression. I haven't been wanting to get out of bed and I haven't really been going out places. Its so different and weird without Holly, it makes me feel so lonely.

Kids at school are starting to bully me, because of Holly, they always ask me if Holly's dead. I just ignore them but one time I nearly blacked out, a whole heap of kids made a circle and then one girl pushed starting punching me.

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