Chapter 17: Lying

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(Katy's POV)
I have my arms wrapped around my daughter as I smile, she means everything to me and I will never let her go.

I stroke Holly's hair softly and pull away from the hug, I lean back into my bed since Holly is sitting beside my bed on her wheelchair.

I cannot believe that my daughters in a wheelchair, she may be a in a stable condition but the doctors warn me that anything could happen at any moment. I keep on fearing that she will give up and be laying in a coma again.

But Holly's fighting hard and I find it unbelievable that she smiling after all she's been through during that car accident.

I feel like Michelle and Holly are hiding things from me when I mentioned Richard who was Holly thinks is her dad the rooms goes silent and Michelle changes the subject.

I want to know what's wrong but I don't want to push Holly. Also Holly said that she had some troubles and she didn't say what they were but that she felt alone.

I might ask Holly a bit later about it, hopefully she'll let my in but I highly doubt it.

I look at Holly her eyes full of joy, words cannot express how much I've missed her. The expression is saw when she walked into the room is one I'll never forget, it was amazing.

"Your eyes are so beautiful" I say as Holly's cheeks flush red

"There like the ocean but a beautiful clear ocean with a hint of shimmer in them" I say smiling

"Katy your eyes are like diamonds and there a beautiful blue colour, your eyes are just amazing I always have loved your eyes" Holly says trying to describe my eyes

"Thank you, but Holly your eyes are even more beautiful" I say as I get lost in Holly's eyes for a few moments

Holly smiles brightly, I don't know why I gave her up it was the biggest mistake of my life, I would take it back if I could. But people say that we learn from our mistakes, I have.

I still cannot believe that I let her go, those 12 years were horrible, full of regret and heartbreak. I always use to believe that one day I'd find her and she'd live with me.

Hopefully she will but I won't put any pressure on her anytime soon. She doesn't even know the truth yet even though I'm dying to tell her.

"Katy can I get out of my wheel chair?" Holly asks trying to get out of her wheelchair

"Holly don't get out yet, you can't walk" I say in a soft tone

I turned around and pressed the button which will bring in a nurse. I turn back around and see Audrey walk in.

"Hi Katy is there anything you need? Oh and hello again Holly" Audrey says

"Hi Audrey" Holly says smiling

"Would Holly be able to get out of her wheel and sit on my bed?" I ask praying that she'll say yes

"Hmm I'm sure that she can, you just need to be very careful with Holly she's still very fragile, and Holly you need to try and eat something again" Audrey says

"I can't eat" Holly says fearing to touch any food

"You haven't eaten for 6 months beside being fed through a tube into your stomach and Holly and you've lost a extreme amount of weight" Audrey says

"I really want to eat and I'm starving but it will just come up though" Holly says fearing

"I'll be right near you Holly" I say reassuring her

"Okay I'll give it a go" Holly says with a slight grin

"I'll bring you in some food in about an hour and Holly I'm going to lift you onto Katy's bed, on the count of 3" Audrey says

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