Chapter 29: Goodbye white walls

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(Holly's POV)
The wheelchair creaks as a unfamiliar doctor wheels me down the hospital corridors. This is one thing I dread to do, I hate these hallways and how whenever you walk past you see people in pain, you see people who are holding onto life but then it gets slippers away through their fingers.

I could never be a doctor, I could never be the one telling a family that their love one is dying. To see their reactions would be heart breaking, and a doctor has to do that everyday. That must be incredibly hard especially to tell a child that their parent has been seriously injured and they may not be here tomorrow. One of the hardest things would be telling a family that they have to say goodbye. That this will be the last moment that they will have with that person. I could never break that type of news to someone, to see their reactions change would be something that I never want to see or experience.

But Michelle and Katy would of had to have those expressions when they found out about me. Just thinking about it makes me sick and to know that they had to hear them words makes me cringe.

I tilt my head to face the other way so that I don't need to see people in pain. After a few minutes we stop in front of two large dark blue doors which have a sign at the top which clearly reads x-ray in big bold letters. Another doctor opens the door and I get wheeled into the room. I have been in here a few times but I have always had either Katy or Michelle with me, I feels so empty without their presence.

Two male doctors slowly lift me onto a bed and a nurse tells me to squeeze her hand if it hurts. I squeeze it tight but it feels so different compared to Katy's, whenever I hold hers it makes the pain decrease and it gives me some type of reassurance.

Once I'm lifted onto the bed I let go of the nurses hand. This bed is so much harder and uncomfortable compared to the one in my room.

"Holly you need to lay completely still," The doctor pauses. "We will be with you in a minute," He said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

I lay still as a rock and wait impatiently for the x-ray to finish. The clicks of what seems to be a camera ring in my ears and every click seems to be taking longer than the first one.

"It's all done," I hear someone say not even noticing their presence.

I just smile and the same nurse helps me into my wheelchair. They both discuss a few things before wheeling me down the corridors. My head is tilted away from the rooms so that I don't need to see what is laying inside. The nurse stops and she opens the door then wheels me into the room and I'm met with a smiling Katy and Michelle.

"How'd it go?" Katy asks.

"We are not sure yet, but a doctor will be with you in a minute to discuss the x-rays," The female nurse says.

"Okay," Katy said as I grab her hand while the nurse slowly lifts me onto the bed besides Katy.

The nurse then leaves without another word.

"I hope that the results are good," I say as I let go of Katy's hand and rest mine on my thigh. "I cannot wait to leave and start living a normal life."

"Yeah, I hope so too," Michelle says.

Minutes pass and both Michelle and Katy are on there phones. I stare at Katy as her phone lights up her face revealing her make up free skin which illuminates. How am I related to this women who is laying next to me, she has so much natural beauty and has such a loving soul. She is so strong and doesn't let anyone or anything get in her way, and she strives to achieve. I'm not strong and fearless like Katy is, she seems to be invincible and doesn't let the rumours get to her. I wish that I was strong and that I could deal with things as well as Katy does.

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