Chapter 35: The box

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My eyes lead me everywhere and they don't rest as they are constantly looking at every single feature which lays in Katy's lounge room.

There are layers and layers upon of marble and the floors are covered in a wood laminate floor. The walls are decorated with paintings and photos and different colours of paint which seem to come together perfectly. Then there are two large staircases dressed in a creamy coloured carpet and above is a huge chandelier covered in crystals and hundreds of small lights.

Still, I stay in the doorway until Katy nudges my arm making me walk into the house. She closes the door making a large echoing noise go throughout the house, it's as though nobody has set foot in here since there is no speck of dust nor something on the floor. Even the couches have cushions and blankets layered perfectly and the rug ties everything together. I walk more into the lounge room and there are so many objects which are all unique and different, yet they tie so effortlessly together.

Then I look over my shoulder and see a large framed photo hung above the fireplace. It catches my attention so I walk over and realise that it is me, not just me but Katy too. Katy is holding me in her arms and our eyes are interlocked and we are looking so deeply at one another. It looks like we are lost in one another's eyes. Katy looks so young and must have been in her late teens or early twenties and is wearing skinny jeans and a loose sweater completely the opposite to me since I'm dressed in bathers.

"It's beautiful, huh?" Katy says as I snap out my thoughts and feel her walk over to stand beside me.

"It is," I say pursing my lips into a smile.

"It is one of my favourite's," Katy says as she walks over to the fireplace and grabs another frame and passes it to me.

There is me dressed in a floral dress which a birthday hat on. It must have been at my seventh birthday party due to the small pin on my dress which reads "7". I look so happy and I had no clue of my past or what person was missing from it.

"How did you get this?"

"Well. Every 6 months Michelle would send me a letter which just contained photos sometimes a small paragraph of how you were going and some of the things that you had done. It was hard getting that letter and sometimes it took me days to open it," Katy says as she walks away.

I quickly put the photo back on the fireplace mantle and follow her to a lounge. I sit beside her and impatiently wait for her to continue her sentence which she cut short.

"Why?" I question.

"It was guilt I suppose. Just knowing that you were achieving and growing up while I wasn't around. I wanted to be there but..." Katy then looks away from me.

"It's okay. I understand," I say hollowing. Not giving any type of expression into my tone.

Katy made a mistake. But then again it wasn't one since she gave me the best possible chance at life. There is still some anger laid inside of me and its hard to brush off. But it is slowly starting to fade and everybody needs a second chance because one mistake does not define you as a person. Katy has proved that and has been with me every minute of the day, even when she is tired she will always to make sure that I'm alright.

The other night I saw her standing in my doorway and she stayed there for a while. Her eyes were focused on me the whole time even when her phone was ringing from the living room she didn't flinch and her body leaned against the door. I wanted to tell her that I saw her but I'll just keep it to myself for a while.

"Can you give me a tour?" I suggest.

"Of course!" Katy says jumping at the opportunity. She clasps my hand and pulls me off the couch and starts pointing in all different directions.

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