Chapter 30: I never loved you

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"Here I'll help you up," I say while holding up my hand. "Hold my hand," I urge as Holly monkey grips my hand.

"Wait, it is okay, we can just eat in here! I'll go get the fold out tables!" Michelle says as she runs into the room.

Holly then shifts her body over making room for me to sit next to her. Her head is resting on my arm and her eyes are glued to the television even though I can tell that all she wants to do is sleep. My fingers stroke her forehead and Holly's body is slowly sinking into my chest.

The blanket which was earlier laying on top of Holly is now sprawled onto the floor so I reach down and throw it onto us. Holly uses her hand to sprawl the blanket across our bodies. These are the moments which I have been waiting for, the ones which I fell asleep dreaming of. Sometimes I need to pinch myself to realise that this is actually happening and that I'm it lost inside my head.

"So how are you and John?" Holly says breaking the silence as she lifts her body off my chest and stares into my eyes.

My eyes direct away from Holly, trying to avoid answering the question. I don't want to worry Holly about my love life, but I cannot lie to her again, like I have done for years.

"Uh," I stutter.

"Katy," Holly repeats.

"We, we broke up," I say in less than a second.

"You what?" Holly mumbles.

"We just weren't meant to be," I shrug.

I look back at Holly and confusion is wrote all over her face. "Was it because of me?" Holly admits.

"It wasn't because of you. It is just..." I pause. "It is just that some people aren't very understanding of things," I justify.

"I'm sorry," Holly admits as I shake my head.

"Holly you didn't do anything?" I question.

"Yeah I did. I'm the reason why you and John broke up. I'm messing up everything," Holly huffs as I raise my hand and put my index finger over her lip.

"No Holly. Don't keep blaming yourself. It isn't your fault it is simply John's. It is because he is too thick headed to comprehend what I was trying to explain," I say as I lower my hand and rest it in my lap. " Anyway, I don't need a man in my life right now. I've got you and that is all I need," I say as my lips curl into a smile.

"He didn't deserve you Katy," Holly adds.

"Maybe," I shrug.

It has only been a few weeks since our relationship ended. I'm still trying to get over it and I'm trying my hardest to distract myself from overthinking. As I said earlier I don't need a man in my life, it will just cause to much trouble and I don't need that by my side.

Holly's chest is slowly moving up and down as she inhales the air around her. Her eyes are becoming heavy but she forces them open knowing that dinner will be ready soon. My fingers run down Holly's hair lightly brushing past her scalp.

"Katy your going to put me to sleep," She giggles as I move my hands away. "Don't stop. It's soothing," Holly says as I continue stroking her hair.

Holly and I both turn our heads at the sign of footsteps entering the living room. Michelle quickly puts a small foldable table in front of us and doesn't say a word as she frantically runs back to the kitchen.

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