Chapter 42: Bye, bye Katy

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(Holly's POV)
"Holly come on!" Michelle says as I slowly follow behind her with my backpack on my back.

"I'm coming." I then start running so I'm walking besides Michelle.

We have already checked in and our suitcases are boarding our plane. It's around an hour until our flight leaves so we start heading towards the gate. I run over and find a spare seat and immediately dump my bag on the ground feeling like a whole weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Michelle takes a seat next to me and puts her belongings on the seat besides her.

"Have you talked to Katy yet?" Michelle says.

"No. I don't want to talk to her." I then fold my arms.

"Holly." Michelle puts her hand on my leg. "You need to talk to her. No matter how much you don't like her she will always be your mother. Nobody in the world can change that. And that news article was a..."

I cut her off. "It was true. Just please can we not argue about this anymore. Nothing will change my decision and right now I just want to think about Africa, okay?" I say in a grumpy tone.

Michelle doesn't say a word and pulls her phone out of her bag. I then do so as well and I login to twitter and start scrolling through my feed. I just keep on scrolling without even looking at the tweets until one catches my attention.

'@katyperry believe me, I'm a lover not a hater'

Was I wrong. Was that news article just a lie.

No, no. Katy did mean it. Katy never wanted me to read the news about her since it would revel the truth. She's just trying to lure me in so that she can use me once against to put her even higher on the celebrity platform.

For some reason I feel tempted to reply to her tweet but I don't want to the world to know about our brawl. The second a tweet is sent it's like the whole world gets a notification.

So I go against my inner me and log off. I'm not in the mood to go on social media and deal with anyone right now. With that I shut my phone off and shove it into my pocket and lean on the arm rest. I feel my body starting to crave sleep but I know that I should be sleeping on the plane since it will be a long flight. So I stare into space and watch the hundreds of people pass me. Some running, some with blonde hair others are brunette and are carrying younger children. I catch a few people staring at me, others point their fingers then mumble stuff under their breath. I'm not gonna lie it hurts. It reminds me of the life I lived at school where I was constantly bullied and had kids make up rumours about me which aren't even true. It like what Katy has to deal with but she gets it from grown adults who should know better. Yet they still continue to judge you despite their age.

Michelle doesn't even seem to notice since her eyes are locked on her phone and her ear phones are plugged into her ears. My attention then goes to a lady saying on a loud speaker that our flight is boarding, I start tapping Michelle's shoulder and tell her what lady said. So we both get off the chairs and wait in line, well since we are last we will have to wait a lot longer then anyone else.

Suprisenly the line goes quite fast and there is only a few people in front of us. I hear a lot of commotion coming from behind me so I spin around and I'm met with Shannon and Katy with two bodyguards on either side. I run over to Shannon and basically jump in her arms.

"Hey Holly," Shannon says as I get out of her arms.

"Hey Shan! I've missed you."

"Aw! I've missed you too. But I'm not the one that you should be saying hello too." Shannon steps back leaving Katy and I less than a metre away from one another.

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