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Hi I'm Holly pines. I'm 12 years old and I live in Santa Barbara with my loving Mother, Michelle pines. We live in a 3 bedroom house which I love so much. Before my father was in prison we lived in a really small 2 bedroom house.

But that house was full of bad memories and things that we are trying to forget. The carpets of the house had multiple blood stains, from when my Father beat me. We wanted to escape so we moved.

My father doesn't live with us anymore. Instead he's living in the cells of the American jail which is thousands of kilometres from here.

He got sent to jail a few months ago, I hated him so much, my father was a horrible man and I hope to never see him again. He used to beat me and one time he nearly murdered me. That was one of the most frightening days of my life. He did many other things which were much worse but hopefully I'm all safe now.

My father always use to call me names and said that "I wish that your Mother never gave birth to you, your an accident". I heard them says words practically everyday so I got use to it. My mum says that when he was young his family treated him bad. He was brought up with this kind of behaviour. My mum said that his parents use to steal things and were involved in many crimes.

So my Father is just like his mum and dad, horrible. He always breaks the law and I'm so scared when I'm around him, he could punch me or do something worse. It's new everyday, my mum always defends me and I'm very surprised that she hasn't laid a finger on him. Last time she did that, my father punched her in the arm and it was broken. So she has learnt and she told me to not argue or get angry at him because he'll hurt me.

If my Father tries to hurt me my mum always stands in front of me and receives the punishment. I'm so thankful that I have a mum like that, otherwise I probably wouldn't be here today. I have learned a lot about how my Father and how he reacts to things by my mum telling me. It helps me learn how to deal with a Father who's so abusing.

When I was 8 I was in so much danger, this was when my Father was at his worst, I started listening to Katy Perry's music and it helped me so much. The second I heard it, I was hooked and I'm still a katycat to this very day and I'll be a katycat till I die.

I love her prism album and I listen to her music every single day! It helps me through the tough times and I feel like I have a very strong connection with Katy. I'm not sure why but I can just feel it.

I get teased at school because I love Katy Perry, my fellow peers call Katy names and I fight back and defend Katy. She already has enough to deal with. I still love Katy even though I get teased for it, I will never stop loving her.

A week ago my mum brought tickets to Katy Perry's prismatic world tour. When I found out that I was going I was jumping out of my skin. My mum bought the V.I.P mosh pit tickets which is in the shape of triangle, and it's right in the middle of the stage so I might be able to touch Katy.

I'm so excited it's going to be the best concert ever! It's my first concert since I couldn't go to her California dreams tour because my fathers forbids me to listen to her music. But I still did in secret. My mum loves that I listen to Katy's music, and she says that sometimes Katy inspires her too.

When I listen to her music I feel like a light just lit up inside of me, it's as though all of my thoughts go down the drain. To be honest sometimes I feel like me and Katy are connected, it's like her songs are talking to me. Telling me to be brave and to keep on going when things are tough.

I have the same middle name as Katy which is "Elizabeth". This makes me feel like I'm connected to her, but in reality I know I'm not.

I love playing Katy's songs on my guitar, that's all I play. Currently I'm learning double rainbow and soon I'll learn unconditionally, which is my favourite song.

I also love watching her movie "Part of me" it's my favourite movie, one day I watched it 3 times. I got to see all of the tough times that Katy had been through, when she was on the dark side of life. But she still got through it.

"I put one foot infront of the other and I looked in the mirror and decided to stay, wasn't going to let a love take me out that way"

That lyrics helped me through heaps, Katy wrote that song to help people. People who are going through a tough time and are living life on the dark side for a while. By the grace of God helped me, so I believe that I helped millions of people worldwide.

As you know my father is a horrible person and is in prison but I'm fearing everyday of my life. My father could escape, he could get me, that's all I think about.

But hopefully he stays put in that jail and that the guards don't let him out. I wouldn't leave the house or stay home alone if I knew that he was roaming the streets looks for me.

I Will Love You Unconditionally | A Katy Perry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now