Chapter 27: You look just like me

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"I should have been there for you, I shouldn't have given you up for adoption. You have every right to be mad at me and I'm completely understanding of that," I stop and wipe a stray tear and continue. "Holly I'm so sorry, and I understand that isn't enough. I have missed out on so many things in your life, like your first steps, your first word and of course being called mum," I look up at Holly who has tears streaming down her cheeks likewise to me.

"Then why did you give me up for adoption?" Holly asks.

"Well I was 18, and I had no money and I was struggling to feed myself. I basically slept on people's couches since I didn't have a home. I couldn't put you through that, and I wouldn't have been able to take care of you properly. You wouldn't have been fed and I could not make you starve. So my mum found a family, she found Michelle who was in desperate need of a child. I refused to give you away but I figured out that I was being selfish because I wouldn't be able to give you the best chance at life. So we met with Michelle and I handed you over. You cried and put your arms out for me. I wanted to run up and take you away but at heart I knew it was for the best. So we drove away and I was heart broken," I say as Holly grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"When I was younger I noticed somethings. I looked nothing like Michelle, we had no features in common. Back then she just said that not all children looked like there parents, and that was the case for me. But I never would have thought about being adopted, that did not ever cross my mind. I use to think that being adopted was a horrible thing to do. But yesterday I found out that, that is not the case. Katy you gave me a second chance, you did one of the hardest things for me. As much as I wish that you were there for me I understand why you did it," Holly slowly says as more tears flow down my eyes.

"You're allowed to be mad," I say.

"There's no point. You can't start a new chapter of you keep re-reading the old one," Holly states.

I just lean over her bed and hold Holly in my arms. She wraps her arms around me I stroke her hair. I don't understand how she is mine, how is she so understanding. Holly rests her head on my shoulder and takes a deep breathe, as I loosen my grip around her waist and pull away.

"I was comfy," Holly wines. "Come and sit with me," She says as she pats the space besides her.

I get off the chair and get into the bed and lay next to Holly. I decide to sit up a little otherwise I'll probably fall asleep.

"Holly I need to show you something," I say as I get off the bed and get some things out of my handbag.

"What are they?" She says noticing that I'm holding something.

I get onto the bed as Holly watches my every move. I hand Holly a photo which was taken a few minutes after she was born. She study's the photo analyzing every part of it making sure that she doesn't miss a thing.

"This was taken a few minutes after you were born," I say smiling. Holly seems a bit surprised and doesn't say a word, most likely that she is unsure of what to say.

"You look so young," Holly says.

"Well I only just turned eighteen less than a month earlier," I say as Holly still is looking at the photo.

"You must of been brave. I don't know if I would be able to take care of a child at only eighteen," Holly says as she finally takes her eyes off the photo and our eyes meet.

"You surprise yourself sometimes."

I hand Holly a small wristband from when she was at the hospital. It is so tiny that I could probably fit around my thumb.

"It so little," Holly says.

"I know," I say.

"When I was little my mum only had pictures of me 8 months and onward. She says that she had lost all of the baby photos from when I was born, so I never got to see myself as a newborn," Holly says.

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