thank you!

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This book has taken me nearly four years to finish. I've basically grown up writing this book, as I started it at the age of twelve where I had no inspiration and had no clue of where this book would take me. I am now finishing this book at the age of sixteen and never in the world would have expected the number of views and support that I have received. 

This book has taken me so long and I do apologise. My whole life has changed over the past four years and I've had to grasp onto so much change that I have at times forgot about this book but I have always ended up coming back to it. 

I did not expect to end the book in this way. I have had so many different ending ideas but I decided on this one as there is no way that I could end on a sad note after all of the characters have been through.

I would like to thank everyone who has just read the first page of I Will Love You Unconditionally or has taken the time to read this far and have continued to wait for me to update, thank you. I would like to thank you all for the votes and for the comments of support. I am so grateful for every single one of you and I really appreciate the love and support that you have shown me. 

I am ending this book here and thank you all again. You all mean the world to me!

- lots of love, Sophie


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