Chapter 56: The end

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Loss; the fact or process of losing someone or something. I felt the loss, I felt her touch being slowly but painfully tore away from me like a sailor being taken away from his ship. Her arms were once wrapped heavily around my waist her body engulfing me like a strong powerful shield. She kept me warm, she kept me safe but then she sluggishly slipped away and then she was gone. Even though I was in her arms only a short time ago I already seemed to forget what her touch felt like. I tried to imagine what it felt like as I laid on the floor in the middle of chaos. I tried to get that sense of warmth but all I got was cold, pure cold surrounding my already blue body. That sense of nostalgia was gone.

I then felt the loss of her voice. The soft angelic one that millions admired, that millions of people dreamed to have and the voice that played on the radio ever so often. Although I felt it slightly echo in my mind, bouncing off of the cells that were raised by my mother. I could still remember the tone and how calm it was and how a simple word could wash off any paranoia. The voice would heal people, millions and millions of them and could change their lives in the most magnificent ways. It seemed unreal that one voice could do so much good and to now know that the only time that her voice could be heard is via her records and the few videos that I have of her.

Then one of the hardest thing that I have ever lost is her presence. Just her being in the same building or even in the next room sends a sense of relief down my spine. Knowing that she's always willing to listen with her ears wide open and never will look bored or disinterested in what I am saying. Or knowing that if I get scared I can always run into her room and fall asleep with her arms wrapped around me. Or even as simple as us just sharing a couch and cuddling up while watching a movie but now that's all gone. Her sense, her touch, and her voice are now all filtered away through my fingers.

I don't think that I can live without Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. I know that everyone says that when they lose a loved one but I honestly don't think I can. Although she only recently came into my life a year ago we have been through hell and back again, and we've become close so quickly. She's the one who I tell everything too, the one who I depend on so heavily, the one who closed my wounds and the one who loves me more than anyone in the world. Her void could never be filled because there's just no other love like hers. The love which would carry me to bed if I fell asleep on the couch, the love which sought me for over a decade and the love which kept looking until she found me. I feel so lost without that love, I feel so empty as the love is being slowly but painfully ripped away. 

Those piercing blue eyes, the raven hair now sprawled onto a bed, plain blue and lifeless. I felt my heart shatter, and I heard it shatter more the second we saw her body being wheeled right in front of our eyes. 

It's all gone. She's all gone. 

I screamed. I screamed as loud as I possibly could feeling my throat ache. I yelled and yelled as my body fell onto the floor. I curled myself into a bawl, tears drenching my cheeks and soon enough soaked the jumper that belonged to my mum. I cried and cried and the pain felt worse.

I heard a faint whisper. "Holly?"

"Holly, honey," the words inflicted on my hand and I felt a tug on my hand. "breathe."

My breath hitched and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. The scent of vanilla encircled my nose and I looked up to be met with Angela, her eyes soften as she squeezed my hand.

"Ssshhhh... she's... she's gone," I slowly but painfully poured out.

"No, she's not Holly," Angela whispered as she releases me from her grip.

"YES, SHE IS. SHE'S GONE. PRETENDING THAT SHE ISN'T..." Angela looked away from me so I followed her vision and another hospital bed got wheeled in and I felt my heart nearly fly out of my chest.

"It wasn't her," Angela whispered her whole body shaking as her eyes fill up with tears. I stood up and I ran and threw myself onto her. 

"Holly." And there she was, there was my mother sitting up straight on a bed, her hair in a fumble but yet she looked perfect. She smiled and then I felt my body melt into hers as it was the one and only my mother. Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.

The end 

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