Chapter 26: I'm not giving up that easily

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Natasha and I talk for a while and just laugh while enjoying one another's company. It starts to get dark so Jessica and Charlie come to pick Natasha up and they head home. I'm left in the hospital all alone, so I once again turn the television on a watch some dance moms.

I then have some chicken for dinner even though I wasn't hungry but Audrey says I need to pick up my appetite and she made me eat. The chicken didn't taste too bad I cannot wait until I can go home even though I'm unsure of where that will be.

Once I'm finished eating Audrey collects my plate and says that she will occasionally check up on me throughout the night. She then turns off the light and my eyes regain focus on the television but I feel them slowly dropping down as my body begs me to sleep. But I just ignore that feeling and screw my eyes wide open.

After a while I look over at the clock at it reads 10:00pm and the hospital is still buzzing. It seems that the hospital gets busier at night and quieter during the day. Which means it can be sometimes hard to get to sleep, but when Katy is around I seem to be knocked out in a matter of minutes. Since she is not here I think I'll be laying here for a while and be chokingbon my thoughts.

I turn turn the television off and rest my head on the pillow. I close my eyes and just overthink everything, but the one thing that cannot leave my mind is Katy.

Soon enough sleep takes the better of me.

(Katy's POV)
The gates open and I drive my car into my drive way as the gates close behind me. Thankfully there are no paparazzi so I turn off the engine, grab my handbag and exit the car. It was a short drive from the hospital only around one hour and a half, but it felt like it went forever.

Once I'm inside Monkey and Kitty come running up to me and rub themselves all over my pants. I keep on walking to the cat bowls and feed them both. I then take a seat on the couch and turn on the television trying to distract myself from what happened earlier today.

Maybe I should of stayed at the hospital and just waited until Holly wanted to talk to me, but then again I needed a break. Not from Holly but just from the hospital, it's not a very nice place to be. You walk past people who are suffering, and you see people laying in bed similar to Holly and holding onto to life. It's depressing and I need to sort myself out before I go back.

After a while of sitting on the couch I get up and grab a towel from the linen closet and walk up stairs to the bathroom.

The water makes me feel relaxed. It makes me feel calm and at the same time I over think about everything, and sometimes song lyrics come immediately to my head, and that is the start of another record.

I turn the taps off and wrap the towel around my wet body and one on my head. I walk out of my ensuite and into my room, I stop in front of my wardrobe and grab some pjs since it's already getting late. They are pretty basic with colourful flowers spread all over the material.

I dry my body and slide my pjs on while still keeping the towel on my head. I then put my slippers on and walk over to my bedside table. Then I take a seat on my bed and look at photo of Holly and I. She was around three and this was the last time I ever saw Holly. I had came to Santa Barbara and after years of not seeing Holly and I thought that I would go over.

I say goodbye to my parents and siblings before getting back in my car and driving over to Michelle's house. I wonder if Holly will remember me, the last time I saw her was two and a half years ago, and I doubt that she will remember me.

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