Chapter 22: Broken hearts

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I get off the bench and continue staring at the ground. I open the car door and slide into the seat as the leather touches my skin. I then slam the door shut.

The car doesn't move as I look over at him trying to stay strong, but we pulls me into a hug, at first I try to reject it but he doesn't budge. I just give in and wrap my arms around his back.

We stay there for a few minutes as I take a deep breath and try to control myself. I feel his hot breath on my shoulder making my skin tingle.

I pull away and stare at him, he has so much
sympathy in his big hollow hazelnut eyes.

"John, I-I need to tell you something," I say.

"What is it?" John says as he puts his hand on my thigh and gives me a look.

I say, "Can we go somewhere?"

"Uh sure, I booked a hotel for the night so we can go there," John suggests.

"That's sounds great," I weakly smile.

John starts the car and drives away from the hospital, leaving behind my daughter who is so angry at me. I should of not said what I did, but they say everything happens for a reason, but I sometimes question that quote.

The car ride is silent. It's not an awkward silence but a nice silence. Every couple of seconds John keeps on looking at me to make sure I'm okay. I love being around him, he makes me feel like I am the only girl in the world sometimes. He just knows me so well, which is what I love about him.

I rest my head against the window admiring the beautiful scenery that Santa Barbara has. We drive past a beach which is where I use to go there all the time when I was a teenager. I use to walk there all the time, just to get away from my family.

It's hard when your not allowed to do things which all of your friends do. I felt left out but I had to deal with it. I remember sitting on the beach and watching the waves hit the sand and it always use to calm me.

I came here once with Holly when she was 3 months old, she loved the beach and playing in the water. I built sand castles with her and played in the water, she never wanted to leave. She always giggled and smiled which made my heart melt.

When I started looking after her she always wanted to go to the beach. I couldn't take her to this one because it just reminded me of her, I took her to another one which she adored. She was such a happy baby, besides when she use to cry all night, and every morning I would watch the sun rise.

I feel a tear falling down my cheek as I quickly wipe it away hoping that John didn't notice. We keep on driving past all of these places that I've been with Holly, it just makes me crave her even more.

The car stops as I look at the sign which reads "Santa Barbara Hotel" in big bold letters.

"Where here," John whispers as he turns the engine off and unbuckled a his seat belt as I do the same.

I open the car door and put my hands in my pocket and put on my sun glasses as the cold breeze hits my skin. I shut the car door as john puts his arm around my waist and walks me into the motel. We check in and the lady gives me a weird look in regards to me wearing sunglasses when the sun is not even out.

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