Chapter 9: Tear stained faces

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(Natasha's POV)
I remember all the times that Holly has gotten bullied, its horrible what they do to her. They bully her just because she's a huge fan of Katy Perry.

They call Katy perry disgusting names and Holly fights back and then they either through a punch at her or just say worse things.

That flashback keeps on replaying in my head, that was the worst episode of bullying that I have ever seen. They knocked Holly unconscious and she was in a coma for 2 weeks.

That girl who was punching her got expelled and can't come back to this school. She was the leader of the bullying squad they were the ones who constantly picked on Holly.

They still bully her now most days she leaves school with a black eye or a massive bruise on a part of her body.

I always stand up for Holly if they they lay a finger on her or try to punch her I'll always stand in front of Holly and receive the punishment instead of her.

She's my best friend I would do anything for her and Holly has been getting bullied for years now and she still walks into school with a huge plastered smile spread across her face.

She always has a new fact about Katy Perry to tell us, I love learning new things about Katy.

I'm a KatyCat aswell but I'm not as obsessed as Holly is. I love listening to Katy's music it's so inspiring, I love how she writes the lyrics herself and it's from life experiences.

Katy says if you have questions about her that you should look in her song lyrics and you likely to find the answer.

I love her songs I always listen to them but whenever Holly comes over to my house and if I have the radio on she'll always put her prism album into the stereo and start singing and dancing.

I really do hope that Holly wakes up from her coma, because her mum bought tickets to her prismatic world tour and she also bought backstage meet and greet passes.

Holly would be so upset if she couldn't go to Katy's concert its in 6 months and if she wakes up I hope that she has a short recovery.

I look over at my mum who is fiddling with her fingernails then she catches my stare and looks back at me. I grab a tissue from my mums bed side table and use it to wipe my face and blow my nose.

My lips start trembling as I try to hold in my cry, but I can't hold it in. Sobs escape my lips and I just cry my mum pulls me into a warm hug. I take it and my mum wraps her arms around my body, I feel her warmth evaporate her body and start hearing my cold heart.

My mum pulls away and starts to speak but then she stops herself and gives me a nervous look.

"Ummm Tash I need to tell you something" My mum says while rubbing my back to soothe my pain

"What is it?" I say in a quiet voice

"Okay so you know how Holly looks nothing like Michelle" My mum says like she's about to drop a bomb shell

"Yeah what does that mean" I say feeling really worried about this

"Well Michelle isn't Holly's mum" My mum says

"What" I say as my mouth turns into a 0 form

"Well Holly is adopted by Michelle" My mum says as I give her a surprised look

"What? Are you sure that your not lying to me?" I ask my mum still in shock

"I'm not lying sweetheart but let me explain" My mum says as she puts her hand on my thigh

"Wait does Holly even know?" I ask concerned

"No she doesn't" My mum says as she removed her hand off my thigh and into her lap

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