Chapter 15: Unexpeceted suprises

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(Michelle's POV)
*3 days later*
The last couple of days have been extremely tough for Holly, she's always spending her day in Katy's room and grieving for her to come back.

Yesterday I heard Holly softly singing to Katy and crying her eyes out at the same time, it killed me watching Holly pouring out all her emotion.

It breaks my heart to see Holly in all that pain, Holly would stay in Katy's room all day if she could but Holly use woke up from a 6 month coma, she's not allowed to do much.

Holly sometimes begs Audrey (Holly's nurse) to let her see Katy and most times she does. Audrey knows the truth and she knows how much Katy means to Holly. She knows that their bond is stronger than a magnet, they can't go far away from each other they always stay close unless someone forces them to separate.

Holly has a long recovery ahead of her and the doctors say that she needs to rest. But it's hard for Holly when for her when Katy Perry is laying in a hospital bed fighting for her life and Holly has to watch her suffer, no child should ever have to experience that.

For the last hour I've been sitting in Holly's room and telling her about how me and Katy became friends and why I didn't tell her that I was friends with Katy perry.

I've had to make up this lie which is really hard to think of, but I told Holly that we met at a church before she was famous and that I've been with Katy every step of the way throughout her journey to stardom.

Holly believes it all which is a relief for me, Holly's currently asleep and I'm sitting on a couch outside her room, since I need to let her get some much needed rest.

I grab my handbag and put it over my shoulder and get off the chair and strength my arms before walking to the front desk and seeing Audrey shuffling some files.

"Oh hi Michelle" Audrey says cheerfully even though it's nearly 10 o'clock at night

"Hey Audrey, do you know how Katy's going?" I say walking closer to Audrey

Audrey signs as she walks out from behind the front desk and puts her hand on my shoulder and has a sad expression painted across her face.

"Michelle, I don't know if Katy's going to make it, she's still in a heavy coma" Michelle says

I put my head in hands and cry quietly, I have no idea what I'm going to tell Holly. How can I just go up to Holly and say that someone who means so much to her is on her last life.

I'm so scared to tell her, I'll probably break Holly's soul and all of her happiness. I'm actually really scared myself, I really want Katy to have a relationship with Holly.

I don't want Katy to go to heaven without having a mother-daughter relationship with Holly. I really want this to happen, I want Katy to experience it.

"Sshh, it's okay Michelle" Audrey cooes as she rubs her hand on my back

I lift my head from my hands and engulf Audrey in a tight hug, she's the only that I've got. I can't go crying to Holly about all my problems, she's only twelve, she doesn't need to know about the troubles of being an adult.

I know that Holly hates to see me cry, so I hold it in all day, then I crack and lay on my bed curled up in a bawl and cry myself to sleep. I hated them days, I wish that they never happened but they always do.

Before Richard got sent to jail we always use to have massive fights which could last hours, he would usually physically hurt me or say things which broke me.

I couldn't fight him, I had no idea what he was capable of, he could knock me out so I stayed my distance. Holly gets scared when we argue and she use to wake up and start silently weeping.

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