Chapter 41: I hate you

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2 days later

(Holly's POV)
The last few days have been hectic. I've gone to the hospital and I'm officially checked out. The doctors have cleared my health bill but they will be sending all of my information to a hospital in either Los Angeles or Africa. My wounds from the paparazzi incident have nearly healed and in a fortnight I'll have to get my stitches taken out. They hurt so much to put it so hopefully they won't hurt so bad when they get taken out. Katy still feels so bad about it and has assured me that she will have her bodyguards next time.

Since that encounter with the paparazzi I've gained heaps of followers on both twitter and Instagram and both Katy and I seem to be appearing in the news quite often. The other day I walked past a magazine with myself and Katy on the front cover. I was so tempted to pick it up but I kept my promise with Katy to not touch or read any of them. It's all a bunch of lies anyway. But at the same time you want to know what people are saying about you even if it's not necessarily the nicest thing.

The paparazzi and news isn't my main priority since tonight is my deadline. Michelle is leaving for Africa tomorrow and Katy is leaving for Los Angeles. Still I haven't made up my mind and my thoughts keep tossing and turning. Katy has been trying her hardest to open up more to me and I know that she is worried about what the outcome can be but even if I go with Michelle I can still FaceTime and call Katy but it won't be the same as being in her arms or being snuggled together on the couch. We will be thousands of miles apart and it's not like I can walk into the next room and be greeted by Katy. But how on earth could I leave Michelle. She has been my mum for basically my whole life so far. Could I just throw that away?

The decision is just eating me away but thankfully Natasha has come over to our hotel room. Nobody is here besides us since Katy went to go and visit her parents since they live here and Michelle has been running around the place constantly on the phone and making sure that everything is set for tomorrow. After ended a call she ran to the grocery shop and probably won't be back for a while since she still has a lot to do. So I've discussed basically everything with Natasha and even about Richard, but she already knows about him anyway. I told her about how I have to visit him but thankfully that has been postponed. Our lawyer said that I have 6 months to see him which is a big relief. And besides Richard, Natasha tells me about school and her new friend group but she said that it's not the same without me. God I'm going to miss her so much.

"So have you decided yet?" Natasha asks.

"No and I still have clue of who to pick." I then reposition myself so that I'm sitting crossed legged on the bed.

"You'll work it out."

"I sure hope so." Both Natasha and I's heads snap to door as we hear a loud knock.

"I'll get it." I jump off the bed and open the door and I'm met with Natasha mum and her little sister Charlie. Charlie instantly squeals my name and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey Charlie." I then hold her hand and lead her into the hotel room.

"It's good to see you again Holly," Jessica says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah you too." Charlie then sits on one of the beds and swings her legs.

"Natasha we need to head going," Jessica says.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Natasha runs over and pulls me into the most bone crushing hug. Then it hits me like a truck. I'm loosing my best friend. I might not see for a few months at the minimum. And I won't be able to spend hours on end at her house or rant about all of the celebrity crushes that we have.

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