Chapter 34: LA here we come!

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(Holly's POV)
"Katy, can you please pass me a tissue," I say in a croaky voice which is so quiet that it is barely audible.

"Sure," Katy says as she passes me the tissue box.

"Thank you," I whisper before blowing my nose.

We haven't done much for the last few days and I have been kicking myself for falling asleep while on the set of the Ellen show. Katy says not to worry and that she will hopefully be on there again, but I still wanted to see her.

Michelle is still in Africa and has extended her trip for another week and has so far called me every morning and every night. I miss her due to the fact I haven't been away from her for at least five years but Katy makes me feel at comfort and has been trying her hardest to stop me from worrying about Michelle. Our relationship is growing every day and the more time I spend with her the more I learn about her.

I have gotten used to having 'Katy Perry' around, and she doesn't seem like a celebrity to me anymore. She just seems like a regular person and is always finding  ways to improve herself as well ways to help me. I like it, though.

A shiver runs down my spine due to the nearing of winter, and I wrap my blanket even tighter trying to trap any warmth that enters. I try my hardest to get warm but nothing works so I take my blanket with me and walk over to Katy who is sitting up on the couch with her black glasses on and her laptop that rests on her lap. She lifts her head and smiles as I take a seat beside her and instantly feel the warmth. It's like she is a heater and all of the warmth follows her wherever she goes.

Katy then lifts her arm so it rests behind my neck and she returns her eyes to her laptop and starts typing something with her free hand.

"What are you doing?" I wonder as I try and study what she is doing.

"Uh, just looking at some emails," She says. "But most of them are just spam, and people trying to get my attention."

"That must be annoying," I say.

"It it! I get so many but for now, I'm going to go on twitter," Katy says as she takes off her glasses and puts them on the coffee table.

I snuggle closer to Katy so that I can see what she is doing. She starts to stalk a few people but never likes any of their tweets just in case they notice. Then I see her typing 'cuddles and twitter' with a heart emoji on the end of the sentence.

"Won't they think that you are talking about a boy?" I question.

"Probably, but one day they will know that it is you!" Katy says as she presses enter, and in less than a second her laptop is flooded with notifications and mentions. "Hol, you need to get Twitter!"

"Okay, fine," I say finally giving into getting twitter due to that Katy has been begging me for ages.

The second I say 'fine' Katy starts setting up an account and she teaches me how to use it even though I have picked it up from constantly seeing her on twitter over the last few months. One thing that I had to promise, is to always show her before I tweet, due to the fact that if Katy mentioned me in a tweet I would gain thousands of followers. But I told her that I would always show her.

"So what should I tweet?" I question.

"I don't know. Let's worry about that later," Katy's says as she shuts her laptop lids and takes her glasses off then she puts it aside and wiggles even closer towards me.

"You're going to get sick," I say looking up at Katy who is watching the television.

"Oh well," She signs. "And tomorrow I need to pop by my house and grab a few things as well as catch up with a few people."

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