Chapter 55: The final goodbye

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"She needs oxygen."

"Her airways are blocked!"

"I'm not getting a pulse."

"Come on Katheryn, stay with us."

The voices erupt faster than a tsunami wave. They are loud and seem to get louder with every scream. My head feels like it's been on a rollercoaster, so dizzy and the world seems like a blur, the faces looking like fuzzy clouds and their voices slowly trailing away. I heard the sound of wheels and air rushing past me, almost if I was being pushed really fast but I could not figure out why. I felt my breathing become short, and my throat began to close as I tried to grab onto a single breathe of air... blackness creeping... My lungs felt trapped, like a bath, the plug stopping a single bit of it to enter... blackness creeping... The blurred people began to move quickly and began to fumble with my chest and inserted sharp pains throughout my body. The voices became faster and started to tangle themselves throughout my ears making me even more confused.

Suddenly I felt this agonising pain. It was excruciating. My heart started to race, it was beating so fast that I could hear it and the faster it beat the more I started to choke. I tried to scream, I used everything that I had left to scream but nothing happened but a blue face. I felt no air. I felt nothing. The last thing I remember is seeing someone looking at me with pure horror before my vision blurred and what felt like my heart stopping.

(Holly's POV)

I was held to a halt as my ringtone blasted through my room making me almost spill my water all over the floor because of the fright that it gave me. I kept my balance and ran over to my bedside table and picked up the phone.


"HOLLY," a scream stopped me from saying a word.

"Shannon?" I answered.

"Holly, you need... you need to stay calm," a huffing and puffing Shannon said.

I hear her begin to sob.

"Wh-whats wrong?" I shiver, immediately having that gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach.

"Your mum has been rushed to the hospital."

I felt my world spin. A sudden coldness covered my whole body. My head became heavy and I felt this emerge of dizziness take over my head. I quivered.

"Holly? Holly, honey are you okay?" The words of Shannon erupted from my phone. I did not reply but instead, a large sob did.

"Shannon..." I cried. Using everything of me to say something.

"You need to stay calm. Breathe..." I tried to take in a breath, but I felt a cluster of sparks plug in my abdomen. The tension grew in my face and limbs, my mind replaying the last encounter that I had with her.

"I'm going to come and get you. I need you to..." Shannon stopped, and it became quiet before I heard her begin to cry. Not the soft crying but the hard-heavy crying. She tried to hold her emotions just so that she could finish her sentence. "I need you to stay on the phone, and I will be there in a minute. Do not move and do not hang up the phone," Shannon said firmly while holding in her sobs.

I began to cry, showing her that I had heard, and I put my phone on speaker and tried to get myself together but pacing around my bedroom trying to take deep breaths.

"I'm scared..." I somehow manage to spit out.

"Me too."

I stayed on the line. My breathing becoming more rapid as I began to think about what could have happened. Shannon continued to talk the whole time. She was crying but still continued to talk to me. She did not take long to arrive, and she quickly ran upstairs and embraced me in the tightest hug, and we just stood there crying.

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