Chapter 6: Your stronger than this

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(Shannon's POV)
I look over my shoulder and see Michelle running out. I quickly jump off my chair and run towards Michelle trying to catch up her.

She continues running not noticing that I'm chasing her.

"Michelle" I yell

Michelle turns around her eyes all red and puffy from her crying. She looks at me and continues crying I walk up to her slowly and engulf her in a hug.

She happily takes it and she hugs me back like she's had no support for the last 2 weeks. Michelle rests her head on my shoulder as I feel heavy tears drop from her cheeks and onto my black cardigan.

We stay there for a while just standing there quietly besides Michelle's light sobs. I pull away and put my arm around her shoulder as we start walking into Holly's room.

Michelle just stops at the door way and admires her daughter how she has taken care for.

"Come on" I say as I pull her hand as she takes small steps towards Holly's bed

Michelle walks over to a chair which is placed next to Holly's bed, she takes a seat and starts crying again. She takes Holly's hand a squeezes it tightly a sign to Holly that her mums there.

"Come on Holly wake up we need you, I won't ever forgive myself if you die. You have a very special person that has been waiting to meet you for 12 years. Her name is Katy Perry, she's your idol and she's also somebody else. Holly your adopted, I adopted you when you were 6 months old. I remember Katy when her parents forced her to give you up. The pain in her eyes was heart breaking, now Katy's in a coma since she has s heart attack thinking of you. She's fighting for her life, you won't be able to meet your real mother. I should of told you earlier. Holly there are so many people that need you, I need you, Katy needs you, your friends need you especially Natasha. She came to visit you the other day, she told you how much you mean to her. She was crying and she told you that your her best friend and without you she's nothing. And that your the light to her heart. Holly wake up please" Michelle says completely covered in tears she kisses Holly's forehead before walking out of the room leaving me and Holly all alone

"Come on sweetheart your mum needs you but mostly Katy does" I whisper

(Michelle's POV)
I walk out of Holly's room in need of some space. Whenever I see Holly all I want to do is cry my heart out, all I want to do is hug her until she wakes up.

I can imagine the pain that Katy will be going through when she wakes up. Katy her mother and I'm just her adoptive mum, who kept her safe and kept her from dying all her life.

I look at the corner of my eye and see Shannon closing Holly's door gently. She walks up behind me and hugs me, I hug her back needing the support. I've had none for the last 2 and a half weeks.

Me and Shannon start walking and heading to Katy's hospital room. Hoping that she'll wake up, Holly needs Katy but most of all Katy needs holly.

We are stopped in our tracks by Holly's nurse Audrey. She leaves us a warm smile and keeps on walking towards Holly's room.

"Hey Audrey is holly going to wake up anytime soon?" I say still sniffling

"Well the doctors are a saying that she will not wake up, I'm so sorry Michelle" she says

I instantly break down, I run to the nearest chair and start bawling my eyes out. I place my head on my knees and start sobbing loudly. People walk past me and stare, its a hospital of course there's going to be a lot of people crying.

"Michelle it would be a miracle is Holly woke up. But if she doesn't awaken from her coma in the next couple of months we will have to switch off her ventilator." Audrey says weakly

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