Chapter 19: I need to let go

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(Holly's POV)
I open my eyes slowly and all I can see is darkness, I start looking around my body starting to shake heavily.

I can see a small figure slowly coming towards me, I pull the sheets closer to my neck and hold onto them with all of my might.

"Please don't hurt me" I say quietly as tears stream down my face

I don't scream, I just stare at the figure, praying that it's not Richard, taking out his revenge.

"Richard, please" I cry

I then look next to me and I don't see Katy, I throw the sheets off my body, and try to lift my broken body off the bed which I have called home for 6 months.

"Katy" I scream

Tears roll down my eyes as my foot touches the floor and I try to hold the rest of my body up. My knees give up on me and I fall on the floor wincing in pain.

I lay on the floor screaming in pain as I start shaking heavily. I look around me as the world starts to blur, I feel my body starting to float away.

My eyes slowly close but I force them open, not ready to leave this world. I see a blurry figure run over to me, I can't see their face or their voice, it's like I can't receive any signals from inside my brain.

My body starts to shut down as my breathing pattern rises, I struggle to get air inside my lungs. I close my eyes, the pain finally taking the better of me.

(Katy's POV)
I look to my right and see Holly snuggled up to my side, with tubes attached to her hand. It's hard to see your loved ones in pain, to see them suffering while your perfectly healthy.

But you have to stay strong for them, we can't just loose hope, otherwise they will too. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear, I know that Holly can make it. I just pray that God keeps her here, with me.

I softly kiss Holly's forehead and carefully lift the blanket off my healthy but broken body. I walk over to the bathroom and briskly close the sliding door.

I switch the light on and I'm faced with my reflection, I see a sad women, with large bags underneath her eyes. I can barely recognise myself, I haven't had a proper sleep in weeks and I'm worried sick about my daughter who is fighting for her life.

I need to get my act together and I need to tell Holly, the truth. But it's hard to tell a child that the person who they think is their mother isn't.

I just stand in the bathroom, wanting to give up on my life. It's so hard to continue, life is hard and God gave us this life because he knew that we are strong enough to live it. But am I strong enough to fight this battle?

That's one thing that I'm not so sure about though, I've been through so many tough times in my life even though for some people its like I'm living the dream. But I suppose that I am, not trying to show off but I'm living my dream that I dreamt about when I was 9, onstage in a glittering costume and have thousands of people singing along with me.

I've accomplished my dream and I have done things that I have never thought I would. I'm going on tour in less than a year and my daughter is still in hospital.

I can't delay my tour again, I already did because of Holly being in hospital and I didn't want to leave her.

I'm really excited to go on tour again, I love sharing my music and giving people the visual behind it. And I tour for my fans so that they get to see me and for anyone who likes my music.

I want to take Holly with me on tour so that I can take her places and that means I won't have to leave her, but I can admit it will be hard carrying a child with me around the world.

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