Chapter 13: Moments can change

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(Natasha's POV)
"Come on mum we need to go" I yell out to my mum

"Just wait a second I'm just helping Charlie with something" My mum yells

I decide to sit on the couch since my mum is taking so long, I don't know why Charlie has to come.

But my dad is at work so there is nobody to look after her, I pick up my iPad from the coffee table and go onto Instagram.

I scroll through some of my friends post until I watch a video, I freeze when I see it. I'm completely shocked, there's me in the video being punched by a older girl.

There's a huge circle surrounding me an their shouting "Fight, fight" I keep on looking at the video and I'm horrified.

Why would they post something like that, I see that the picture has 80 likes, who would like a video of a girl being punched, I couldn't fight back I was helpless.

That situation was when I got this huge bruise on my stomach, I remember the girl punching so hard in my gut. I was in so much pain, I nearly fell to the ground from the impact of the punch.

I had to stand up, If I fell the girl who was beating me up could of punched me into the stomach again so I had to stay standing.

I keep on scrolling through my Instagram feed I continue seeing that video, then I see all this hate.

I keep on reading all these horrible comments and heaps of people just writing things about me and then I see all this hate about Holly too.

I hate my life so much, wherever I go theres always hate and bullies telling all the bad things about me. The bully's always find the fault in me, they completely ignore the shine they just look for all the minor details.

I'm so happy that I'm moving schools, I get away from all of this, I get a fresh start. I hope that the bully's don't track down where my new school is, then they will spread more rumours.

I decide to screenshot some of the hate that I'm receiving and then I report most of the videos, images and comment that they have posted about me.

Once I've done that I log out of my account and turn my phone off, I don't want to hear what they write about me anymore.

I slide my phone into my blue denim skinny jeans pocket, I then get off the couch and stretch my arms.

How long does it take for my mum to help Charlie, I feel like I've been waiting for hours, but luckily my mum spins around the corner holding Charlie.

"Finally" I sign as Charlie jumps out of my mums arms and runs towards me

"Look what I made" Charlie says as she giggles and hands me a card

"It's for Holly" Charlie laughs as my mum watches us in awe

I look at the card which says "Get better soon Holly" in my mums hand writing and then Charlie has coloured in the letter with a variety of different coloured pencils

"That's beautiful" I say as I open the card

"Look at that" Charlie says as she points to a picture on the left hand side of the card

"Is that Holly?" I ask pointing to a drawing of a person in between 2 other girls

"Yes and that's me and you, we are both holding Holly's hands" Charlie says as she jumps when she says holly

I look at the right hand side of the card which has a small message in my mums hand writing followed by drawings all around the writing.

"That's nice I'm sure that Holly will love it" I say cheerfully I hand my excited sister the card

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