Chapter 4: Katycat

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(Katy's POV)
My eyes flickered open and my vision was blurred. I raised my hand and rested it on my temple as I lifted myself off the couch using the last piece of energy that I had which honestly was nothing. I turn my head and expect to see Shannon but there is nobody besides a dark emerald pillow. Luckily she sends me a messages a few minutes later saying that she went to film some more episodes for a new season of raising hope. Honestly I need someone besides me, but I can't just stop people from doing their jobs.

So I rest my palms against the glass wall and see Holly covered in tubes from head to toe so it's also impossible to see her face which I haven't seen in over a decade. I've seen photos of her which her adoptive mother sends me and it's like I'm looking at my teenage self besides a few features which she inherited off her other creator.

Still I haven't seen her in person and I'm dying to do so and then magically a nurse strolls into Holly's room pushing a large metal tray with various medical objects inside of it. The nurse doesn't even notice my pressure and she shuts the door and I watch her start to jot down notes on her clipboard and then start looking at Holly's heart monitor.

So I scoop up my bag and then take a deep breathe and knock on the door and the nurse scurries over and pulls it open.

"May I come in?" I say in a small hushed voice.

"Sure Miss Perry," She says.

"Just call me Katy," I smile.

I slowly walk over to Holly and I get a bit scared at first not knowing what I'll be faced with. Then I meet her face which is mainly covered in strips of bandages and a large tube is inside her mouth which is held open by another large tube. Her eyes are closed shut and she looked lifeless not even her stomach moving up and down reassured me.

I continue looking at her face which looks even more beautiful than the photos and I could stay here all day and watch her. But then of course my emotions take over and I find myself with tears covering my cheeks. I think that this just made me realise how close she is to her death bed and that she could leave at any instant. My tears continue until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I spin around to see the nurse.

She gives me a reassuring smile and I basically throw myself into her arms even though I've never had a conversation with this woman. She seems a bit taken back at first but once I let out a sob she holds me. The nurse rubs my back and after a short amount of time I calm myself and I pull away.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"It's fine, you don't need to apologise," She says.

"What's your name I forgot to ask you earlier," I say.

"It's Audrey, I usually wear a name tag," She chuckles.

"And Audrey do to know when Michelle pines will be done with getting her stitches?" I question.

"The doctors are already done with them they are just making sure that she has no further injuries," Audrey says.

"Oh okay, so when do you think Holly will wake up?" I sniffle as I wipe a stray tear.

"I honestly don't know. Right now it's too risky for her to do so especially with her broken ribs and the chance of brain damage," my hope has basically been thrown into the shadows.

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