Feedback Q/A

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It's been 10 chapters now. Thank you all for taking your time to read. I wanted to get your thoughts on some questions.

1) Do you want me to post the cast that I imagined for characters in the story?

2) Do you want me to add pictures of locations and costumes for the leads and the places they visit? 

3) I try to add songs at the beginning to set the mood for the chapter. Do you think that helps?

4) I almost have a complete plot in mind but I do want to make it more interesting by adding layers to each character and interconnect them. Do you have any suggestions that you want me to try?

Comment your thoughts on these questions. Looking forward to reading them all 😊

Constructive feedback is always welcome. This being my first try as a writer, I am learning a lot as I go.

Although the thought of writing a fiction was only because of Ashaangi, due to recent events I don't want to use their names for the cast/characters.

With Lots of Love and Respect,

Author who believes in Kadavul setting 🤩

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