Chapter 31

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Vijay wanted to spend some alone time with Sakthi. This was the first time he saw her smile whole heartedly and it was a blissful sight. What would he not do to be the reason for this smile he thought to himself. His love for her had nothing to do with her looks. He just felt so connected to her the very first time their eyes had met for a brief second. Little did he know that she would become his strength and weakness.

Vijay was from a middle-class family who struggled his way up in the industry. All that he has today name, fame, money and fans were all hard earned. He trusted that if he put his heart and soul into something, then everything else will align. He believed the same with Sakthi. He wanted to prove that he would not leave her even at the darkest hour and his love will be constant.

The three years he tried to find her, he fell in love with her and struggled with the pain of not knowing what her past was and how she was doing in the present. A lot of unanswered questions from her diary was still lingering in his thoughts. He still remembered a page that he took a week to get over.

"If only I knew what was going to happen that day, I would not have gone there. I would never have worked so hard and practiced day night for that performance which ended my love for music.

Today, it's been two years since that day. The day my life changed forever. I have come a long way, but happiness is still a distant memory.

How did even my closest friends choose to believe a random lie? Why would they not stand up for me. I have no answers and I don't think I care for those answers anymore.

The worst part is that I had to run away from my happy place, my home and my family after losing my one true love – Singing. I feel dead inside. When would I ever feel alive again? Is this how my life is going to be?

I still wish to wake up and realize that it was all a nightmare. Memories still haunt me, and the pain is still fresh when I wake up crying every night. Is happiness too big a wish?"

He had cried for her just reading those words. He wished to be there for her when she woke up crying. He wanted to make her happy. The smile he just saw on her face was all that he wished for.


The final shot was over, and it was pack up time. Gautham had to leave for a briefing session with Anirudh for the songs. He left quickly after the final shot was done.

Vijay walked up to Sakthi when she was making preparation for the next day. She was single handedly doing all costumes and styling for all the actors in the movie which meant much more planning and organizing. Anu was completely resting now and she was only discussing over calls and whatsapp.

Vijay: Sakthi I have to attend a birthday party today and I need your help with picking a dress. It's for my cousin.

Sakthi: Sorry Vijay. I have too much to plan for tomorrow.

Vijay: I can wait. The party is only at midnight. It's my friend's boutique so she will keep it open until we finish. Please.

Sakthi: Ok. Give me 15 minutes. I need to finish up and refresh.

Vijay was stunned when she agreed to help him and was super excited to take her out. It was definitely a step forward in the right direction and a dream come true.

He was waiting for her to finish her work. He quickly called his friend to make sure no one else would be there when they reached to give her privacy and time that she needs.

Sakthi in the meantime quickly called Aadhi.

Aadhi: Sollu Sakthi... I am waiting in our spot to get home. Enga iruka?

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