Chapter 13

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Sakthi was debating what to answer. Should she tell her the truth, or should she just say she has the wrong door? There was nothing easy about this situation.

Her mind was cooking up a thousand different scenarios on who this girl in her nightclothes at Aadhi's place might be and none of it made sense right now.

She remembered that she asked him to trust her and ask when he wanted to know anything. She felt that he deserved the same. Instead of just assuming the worst, her heart wanted to believe the guy who had just told the world that he believes in her. She mustered courage to speak up.

Sakthi: I am looking for Aadhi.

Girl: And you are?

Sakthi: Sakthi.. his friend and the stylist for his new movie.

Girl: Ahh got it. Aadhi is sleeping right now. He came home very late last night. I can take your message for him.

Sakthi did not want to extend this conversation and make it awkward.

Sakthi: No issues. Just tell him that I stopped by.

Girl: Sure.

She drove back to the studio. Feeling lonely wasn't something new for her. The last few years she has trained her mind and heart to not expect anyone to stay in her life except for her parents and her brother. There was a time in her life when she was full of life and positivity. But this version of Sakthi was acquainted with the harsh realities of life.

Sakthi MV: It is true that since the day I met Aadhi, I have not felt lonely. His presence does have an effect on me and I sense an invisible bond that makes me feel connected to him. But I do have to acknowledge the fact that I have known him only for a couple of weeks and he does have a personal life. Just like how I have not shared everything with him, it's natural that he has not shared his private details with me. I will just continue to be a good friend in his life just like Sathya is.

At Aadhi's place, the girl left a note for him that said, "Your stylist aka new friend Sakthi stopped by and I was in my PJs 😜. Am going out to meet with my friends. 😘" It was about 3 PM in the afternoon when he woke up to find the note.

Aadhi POV:

Yesterday, I was busy setting up everything for the first official dinner with Sakthi. I don't want to name the vibe we share but my heart knows that she is my happy place. I wanted it to be perfect. Give her a night to remember for the rest of her life.

I booked a private villa with beach access on ECR through a friend to maintain privacy. Worked with a team to set up an outdoor canopy set up with lights. I wanted it to be magical just like how she is.

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I decided to cook for her. I reached out to Sathya to get all her favorites. Two appetizers – Sizzling Cauliflower and smoked paneer potato skewers, the main course – spinach cheese ravioli in marinara and a dessert – Gulab jamun with ice cream.

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