Chapter 58

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Sakthi could not wrap her head around what was happening and how Athreya could be involved in any of it.

Aadhi's hands wrapped around her in a protective embrace while she just got herself mentally prepared for what is to come. Though her heart raced instantly at the thought of the voice that haunted her for the last five years, she also was determined that this has to end.

Closing her eyes, she let the sound of waves calm her disturbed soul. Drowning herself in his soothing hold and reminiscing the beautiful moments of their night, she let out a sigh of relief.

Oddly she felt the end was closer than they all imagined.

The group reached them in a couple of minutes and Aadhi sensed the anxiety that overwhelmed each one of them.

"We need to talk about Vishnu", Vijay implored.

"We should and I do know that he is the master mind behind all of this", he divulged and started to walk towards the villa leaving everyone baffled including Sakthi.


"All I will say for now is that this has nothing to do with Sakthi and everything to do with Sathya", Aadhi avowed with a straight face when the others in the group were yet to break out of the shocking revelation from a few minutes ago.

"Aadhi... not the time to joke", Sakthi chided him for making such an inappropriate statement that left all of them is a puzzled state with a million more questions.

"Sakthi enna nambu ma. Nijamma", he tried to sound guileful with a smirk that earned a nasty hit on his chest.

"Dei.. machan velaydra nerama da idhu?", Sathya barged in with a glare as he was being accused of being the reason behind his sister's traumatizing experience.

"English please", Vijay interjected making everyone laugh at his untimely but very valid remark.

Sakthi kept her eyes fixed on Aadhi's eyes that beamed, reveling in a joy of accomplishment. He was evidently excited though she could not gather the reasoning behind it. Instead of trying to over think, she closed her eyes and let her senses enjoy the moment with him while leaning on to his shoulders.

"Getting back to the point. Care to explain in English?", Vijay glared at the grin on Aadhi's charming face when Sakthi leaned on him.

"Ok Mr.To the point. You all know that I always believed the people following you around was connected to her past."

"Yes", Vijay agreed.

"Kavya's accident sealed the deal that it was indeed from the past."


"You had mentioned that Vishnu was very close to Sakthi from the things you had read in her diary. If that were true, why did he not try to find her all these years when she was actually suffering? And by timeline he actually met Kavya at the restaurant to reach Sathya before he showed up at Sakthi's place out of the blue."

"Yup I actually did not think about that", Vijay recollected the happenings.

That got everyone in the room thinking while Sakthi and Nithya were still not sure what he meant by Vishnu met Kavya at a restaurant.

"What restaurant? What meet?", Nithya asked.

"Let me fill you in. The day I met with you and Sathya at the restaurant, Vishnu was there as well to meet with Sathya. But because of some issues with his sister, he mentioned that Sathya was ignoring him and asked me to talk to you.", Kavya explained.

"Clearly, he did not know that you and I were not close. Later I got information from my PI that Sakthi, the girl Aadhi was in love with was Sathya's sister. That was followed by the anonymous video getting dropped off. It was the day before your engagement.", Kavya finished.

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