Chapter 36

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Listening to Vijay's question, Sakthi realized that she had blurted out without thinking of the questions that might follow. She tried to make up an excuse to divert the topic.

Sakthi: I would invite you but it's at Coimbatore and a very close family function. I will definitely invite you when we throw a party here.

Vijay: I don't mind coming to Coimbatore if you don't. It would be great to meet your family.

Now she did not have a choice but to invite him over. She had to someday tell him that she was in a relationship with none other than Aadhi and she was not sure if at the function was right. It was too late to think.

Sakthi: I will send over the location and time but no pressure.

She went in to shop for everyone and Vijay stayed out to take a call. Once he finished the call and walked inside, he saw the same couple of guys staring at him. He went in casually and acted like he had not noticed them.

He went very close to Sakthi and mumbled,"We are being followed for sure."

Sakthi: What do you mean?

He gestured Sakthi to look out from the glass window and she saw a couple of guys taking pictures of them.

Vijay: Can you call your brother to pick you from the back entrance? I don't think it's safe for you to drive alone from here.

Sakthi knew Sathya was out to drop his parents at the airport. She decided to call Aadhi.

Sakthi: Don't worry about me. I will have my boyfriend pick me up.

Vijay: Call him now. I am not leaving until you get picked up. It is not safe.

Sakthi thought she atleast had a few days to prepare to reveal her relationship with Aadhi to Vijay. She was not ready for this conversation. She could not think of an excuse and hated herself for creating a stupid situation like this.

Vijay: Sakthi what are you thinking? These are the same guys who followed me weeks back and now they are back. Call your boyfriend right away.

Sakthi's phone started ringing around the same time and it was Sathya.

Sakthi MV: Thank God...

She picked up the call and asked him to come over to pick right away. Sathya reached the back entrance in 15 minutes.

Sathya: Thanks Vijay for keeping her safe.

Vijay: Hey no issues at all. It's my responsibility. Congratulations on your engagement.

Sathya: Thank you. We should get going. Will see you soon Vijay.

Vijay: Yes, you will at your engagement. Sakthi invited me. I can't wait to meet your family.

Sathya maintained a cool face though he could not possibly understand why Sakthi would invite Vijay to Aadhi's home.

They walked to the back entrance and Sathya pulled the car out of the lot.

Sakthi: Vijay please stay safe.

Vijay: Sakthi don't worry about me. I have my guards and I will be fine. I will also try to find out who these guys are. Trust me I will be ok. You travel safe. I will see you at your brother's engagement.

He held Sakthi's hands for the first time and there was nothing but concern for her in his eyes.

Vijay: Don't worry I have accepted that you need me as your friend and not anything more.

Sakthi: Thank you for understanding.

Vijay opened the passenger door for Sakthi to get in.

Vijay: Will see you at Coimbatore with Aadhi.

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