Chapter 22

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Aadhi was left in an impossible situation.

Kavya tried to take his hands but he quickly moved away. He did not know if his parents had shared that he was already seeing someone with Kavya and her parents. From her reaction now he was certain that his parents had not shared it.

Kavya: Aadhi just a coffee. Enakaaga...

Aadhi: Sorry Kavya. I really have to go to a meeting, and I am running late.

Kavya: It will just be 15 minutes

Aadhi did not want to make this more awkward nor cause anymore distress in the friendship between his dad and Thiru uncle. He reluctantly agreed with a hope that Sakthi does not read too much into this even if she notices. He maintained a safe distance from her to make sure no one understood it differently.

Aadhi and Kayva walked in and ordered coffee. He saw that Sakthi was sitting on the opposite corner alone. He was annoyed that Vijay was making Sakthi wait although it's just going to be 5, they had come a little early.

Exactly at 5 Aadhi saw Vijay walk towards Sakthi's table. He was so concentrated on Sakthi that he totally forgot about Kavya sitting in front of him.

Kavya: Anga enna pakreenga? Someone you know?

Aadhi: No... I was just looking.

Kavya: Ok.. I was asking if we can be friends.

Aadhi: Let me be very straight forward here. I am a very private person and I am here with you only because the last time we met was under a very bad situation and I was rude. I am not a friendly person.

There was silence for a while. Aadhi was looking over at Sakthi's table and they were having an intense conversation.

Kavya: Why don't you give me a chance? Maybe you will be surprised.

Aadhi: I am done with my coffee I would like to leave now. Once again sorry for everything.

Kavya: Someday you have to get married right?

Aadhi: Maybe I will.. Maybe I wont. But I am sure it will not be you.

Kavya: Why do you say that? You don't even know me.

Aadhi: From the few minutes I have known you is enough for me to say that you will not be a person I can be friends with let alone love.


At 5 Vijay walked in with a style that no one could miss.

Vijay: Thank you Sakthi for meeting me.

Sakthi: I did not want to be rude. You are an actor who I look up to when it comes to setting trends with style.

Vijay: I am glad.

Sakthi: As I said on our first call, working with you would be dream come true.

Vijay: I really look forward to that. You are an amazing stylist and its magical. I am serious.

Sathi: Thanks Vijay. Can we talk about why we are really here?

Vijay: Yes. This might be a long story, but I am going to be as brief as possible. Please don't judge me half way.

"I first saw you when you were doing your masters in SF at a coffee shop where you were engrossed in writing. We were shooting near your campus and I used to visit that shop every day. I saw you there doing the same every single day for about a month and you never looked at me. At times you would talk in Tamil over the phone. Over the course of the month, seeing you became the best part of my day.

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